Bibliographic citations
Alvarez, M., Condorhuaman, G. (2023). Educación financiera y capacidad de ahorro de microempresarios del mercado de abastos de Vino canchón del distrito de San Jerónimo, región Cusco - 2020. [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Alvarez, M., Condorhuaman, G. Educación financiera y capacidad de ahorro de microempresarios del mercado de abastos de Vino canchón del distrito de San Jerónimo, región Cusco - 2020. []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Educación financiera y capacidad de ahorro de microempresarios del mercado de abastos de Vino canchón del distrito de San Jerónimo, región Cusco - 2020.",
author = "Condorhuaman Durand, Gaudy Ynes",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The investigation entitled "Financial Education and Saving Capacity of Microentrepreneurs of the Vinocanchón Supply Market of the District of San Jerónimo, Cusco Region - 2020", whose objective is to determine the degree of relationship between financial education and the capacity to save in microentrepreneurs of the market of supplies of Vinocanchón of the District of San Jerónimo, Cusco Region - 2020. The research is of a basic type, belongs to the quantitative approach, non-experimental design and correlational scope, where the population consisted of 1,791 microentrepreneurs, the probabilistic sample is 143 microentrepreneurs, the technique used for data collection was the survey, the Likert scale questionnaire was applied as an instrument. The results found were where 𝑝 = 0.000 < 0.05, in the Chi-square test, it can be affirmed that financial education is directly related to the saving capacity of microentrepreneurs in the Vinocanchon food market of the District of San Jerónimo, Cusco Region – 2020. In conclusion, the degree of relationship through Pearson's correlation is 42.4%
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