Bibliographic citations
Castilla, E., (2016). Calidad de atención de los vendedores y la satisfacción turística de la Feria Artesanal Qoricancha de la av. El sol en la ciudad del Cusco 2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Castilla, E., Calidad de atención de los vendedores y la satisfacción turística de la Feria Artesanal Qoricancha de la av. El sol en la ciudad del Cusco 2016. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Calidad de atención de los vendedores y la satisfacción turística de la Feria Artesanal Qoricancha de la av. El sol en la ciudad del Cusco 2016.",
author = "Castilla Quispe, Eliana Lizbeth",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
Tourism is an important alternative for economic and social development in the city of Cusco. Also because it has cultural and natural attractions. Through the research carried out, it was wanted to know how the attention of the sellers of the Artesanal Qoricancha fair affects the tourist satisfaction, having as general objective to identify the quality of attention of the sellers of said Handicraft Fair of Qoricancha. The methodology used in the present research work is descriptive corresponds to the type of mixed qualitative and quantitative research, random probabilistic sampling was used. Surveys were conducted for domestic and foreign tourists. The study of the present work was carried out in the Handicraft Fair of Qoricancha where it was possible to identify the relevance that is the sale of the craft since through this the sellers increase their economy. What could be identified in the research is the great importance of the quality of care provided to tourists, it can be identified that after the attention received by the seller the tourists attended consider that the care is regular. Throughout the results obtained from this research it can be deduced that the quality of attention to the tourist is very important, mainly in the visit to the handicraft fair because it generates economic income to the sellers that previously sold in the streets as street vendors, but with the creation of the fair they came to form an association.
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