Bibliographic citations
Bayona, S., (2016). Propuesta de Layout para la mejora del almacenamiento de materiales en la empresa tecnoriego INGRS.SRL - Cusco 2015. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Bayona, S., Propuesta de Layout para la mejora del almacenamiento de materiales en la empresa tecnoriego INGRS.SRL - Cusco 2015. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Propuesta de Layout para la mejora del almacenamiento de materiales en la empresa tecnoriego INGRS.SRL - Cusco 2015.",
author = "Bayona Estrada, Sonia Beatriz",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
An essential part of every business is good location and order of products or items for effective and efficient delivery for the benefit of customers, however when this situation is chaotic, such as Business Tecnoriegos Ings. SRL necessary establish parameters to improve the order in the store to perform a good distribution, even if most customers belong to the agricultural sector, who represent an important sector in demand for irrigation products innovation. It is for these reasons that the present investigation seeks to provide a solution in store Tecnoriegos Company Ings. SRL through a good distribution to facilitate rapid preparation of orders, as well as the accuracy of the same. So to reach a solution is disclosed how the layout decreases costs of the warehouse of the company, also it identifies the way through layout store company improves customer service, equally determined layout employment in the company warehouse to improve safety and industrial hygiene and how to how using the layout store the company improves the administrative process is described. Also to meet the objectives outlined in this research has been used theories and tools such as reengineering and Guerchet, whereby you get to a proposal for the improvement of processes and also an improvement in physical stores, getting to be a given the benefit of the Company Tecnoriegos Ings. SRL. In the same vein was used surveys of customers and employees of the Company Tecnoriegos Ings. SRL in order to determine the quality of service provided and received by the company, which has determined that the service It is not effective and requires the implementation of layout. Similarly a diagnosis has been used to the company where a general disorder is observed.
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