Bibliographic citations
Roman, M., (2023). Incorporación normativa para el control de la tenencia responsable y reproducción de animales domésticos en la Municipalidad Distrital de Santiago en el año 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Roman, M., Incorporación normativa para el control de la tenencia responsable y reproducción de animales domésticos en la Municipalidad Distrital de Santiago en el año 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Incorporación normativa para el control de la tenencia responsable y reproducción de animales domésticos en la Municipalidad Distrital de Santiago en el año 2022",
author = "Roman Cuellar, Maysa Milagros",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
Responsible animal ownership is the obligations and responsibilities that fall on a person who decides to keep a pet or companion animal to ensure good food, shelter and basic care. Therefore, the main objective of my research is to determine whether the district municipality of Santiago in the year 2022 has incorporated regulations for the control of responsible ownership and reproduction of domestic animals in its jurisdiction. In this sense, the incorporation of regulations for the control of responsible ownership and reproduction of domestic animals, aims to be beneficial for both the population and domestic animals that are subject to the application of Law No. 30407 "Law of protection and animal welfare" and Law No. 31311 "Law that prioritizes the sterilization of dogs and cats as a component of the national public health policy". The research had a qualitative approach, which used three techniques and instruments for data collection, where the interview to operators of the law and the population belonging to the jurisdiction of the district of Santiago de Cusco was propitiated; the documentary analysis in the collection of data and doctrine; complemented with an interview form and a survey. From which satisfactory results were obtained, in terms of the response to the general objective and the specific objectives, being able to affirm that in the district Municipality of Santiago de Cusco there is no regulation on the control of responsible ownership and reproduction of domestic animals, which leads me to conclude that the incorporation of the aforementioned regulations is effective, which will lead to the correct application of the existing regulations by the Municipality, thus benefiting public health, the control of reproduction of domestic animals and responsible ownership.
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