Bibliographic citations
Camargo, R., Delgado, K. (2024). La teoría del restauro de Cesare Brandi aplicado a la catalogación de inmuebles con valor patrimonial en la zona monumental de Chinchero – Urubamba – Cusco para la conservación y salvaguarda del patrimonio edificado [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Camargo, R., Delgado, K. La teoría del restauro de Cesare Brandi aplicado a la catalogación de inmuebles con valor patrimonial en la zona monumental de Chinchero – Urubamba – Cusco para la conservación y salvaguarda del patrimonio edificado []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "La teoría del restauro de Cesare Brandi aplicado a la catalogación de inmuebles con valor patrimonial en la zona monumental de Chinchero – Urubamba – Cusco para la conservación y salvaguarda del patrimonio edificado",
author = "Delgado Dueñas, Katherine",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Our country has a great wealth of heritage properties which treasure great value, this paper addresses the analysis of 25 properties located in two blocks of the monumental area of the district of Chinchero, there is the House of Mateo Pumacahua which has heritage value. The constant changes of use and the great urban growth of the area directly affect its conservation, for this purpose the theory of Cesare Brandi is applied, which seeks the identification of elements based on their history and aesthetics, increasing the information we have about the real estate heritage of this area and consolidating it as a contribution for future projects. For the development of the investigation, a cataloguing of the real estate of two blocks of the monumental zone of the district of Chinchero is carried out, thus being able to see the evolution, stylistic affiliation, elements it possesses, among other data, in order to process the information collected through statistical tables and schematic maps, assigning them a historical, stylistic, contextual, formal, architectural value as appropriate. The objective is to apply the restoration theory of Cesare Brandi in the cataloguing of the properties located within the historic center of the Chinchero district, in this way the criteria applied for the identification and valuation of these properties will provide data to propose categories according to the values that each property possesses.
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