Bibliographic citations
Huamán, A., Huamán, E. (2019). Análisis de la seguridad vial en las principales vías arteriales de la ciudad del Cusco, mediante el método de inspección de seguridad vial, del manual de seguridad vial peruano (msv-2017), entorno urbano [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Huamán, A., Huamán, E. Análisis de la seguridad vial en las principales vías arteriales de la ciudad del Cusco, mediante el método de inspección de seguridad vial, del manual de seguridad vial peruano (msv-2017), entorno urbano [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2019.
title = "Análisis de la seguridad vial en las principales vías arteriales de la ciudad del Cusco, mediante el método de inspección de seguridad vial, del manual de seguridad vial peruano (msv-2017), entorno urbano",
author = "Huamán Velásquez, Edouard Anze",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2019"
The investigation has the name: “ANALYSIS OF ROAD SAFETY IN THE MAIN ARTERIAL ROUTES OF THE CUSCO CITY, THROUGH THE ROAD SAFETY INSPECTION METHOD, OF THE PERUVIAN ROAD SAFETY MANUAL (MSV-2017), URBAN ENVIRONMENT” This research seeks deepen the issue of Road Safety Audits and Inspections (ASV / ISV) carried out with great success in several countries of the world as preventive measures to improve the performance and use of roads. To this end, a review of the methodology was carried out to carry out a Road Safety Inspection (ISV) at the intersections with more vehicular conflict of the arterial roads of the city of Cusco, where vehicular chaos and disrespect for Transit rules that give rise to disorder in the vehicular, motorized and nonmotorized transport system, in addition to the pedestrian one, are a very big problem in the study points. That is why our research is focused on analyzing eight intersections with a higher concentration of TCA accidents (black dots), which through inspection sheets (checklists) could show faults in four road aspects (geometric characteristics, systems of road control, traffic demand, traffic conditions). With the results it was possible to reach alternatives that will allow us in the near future to solve the problems of accidents and vehicular conflict that these intersections have. In conclusion with the implementation of the Road Safety Manual (MSV), specifically with the Road Safety Inspection (ISV), it results in statistical tables that will allow us to know the need to signal or have constant maintenance. Finally, it should be mentioned that this research presents a methodology not well known in Peru, as it is a new manual and recently implemented in different rural and urban parts, which we emphasize in the urban part that should be separated from the files rural for more effective recognition.
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