Bibliographic citations
Quiñones, P., (2022). Efectos del uso de la banca móvil en los costos de transacción de los clientes del banco de Crédito del Perú en la región Cusco periodo 2019 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Quiñones, P., Efectos del uso de la banca móvil en los costos de transacción de los clientes del banco de Crédito del Perú en la región Cusco periodo 2019 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Efectos del uso de la banca móvil en los costos de transacción de los clientes del banco de Crédito del Perú en la región Cusco periodo 2019",
author = "Quiñones Vasquez, Patricia Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research is to describe the effects of the use of mobile banking on the transaction costs of Banco de Crédito del Perú clients. Mobile banking is an application with which financial transactions can be carried out using a telephone; this application promotes a decrease in the use of cash and a reduction in the payment of user commissions. The research design is non-experimental transversal. The development of this research will allow us to identify the effects of the use of the application on the transaction costs related to monetary and non-cash operations of BCP clients. Schumpeter's theory of economic development was taken as a reference for the theoretical bases, considering the importance of the effects of technological and social changes, which exert a fundamental force that moves production in an economic system, starting from a problem of scarce financial inclusion, financial technology guarantees access to financial services at a lower cost and with less risk. The sample size was 340 respondents, who were clients of the BCP in the Cusco region, who use mobile banking, with a questionnaire focused on the functionality of the application, the transaction costs measured through time management and the importance of accessibility to information on banking products for each client. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire applied to BCP clients, concluded that 94% indicate that mobile banking is useful with respect to the functionality of checking balances and movements, 57% show a preference for making their transfers between accounts through of mobile banking, 84% show an exclusive preference for directing their payments of credit obligations and others through mobile banking, on the other hand there is a gap for improvement in training in the use of mobile banking since only the 54% know the full range of mobile banking functionalities. Thus, it is also observed that 63% of clients indicate that the average time it takes them to carry out their transactions in the window channel is 45 minutes compared to 98% of clients who indicate that the average time that their transactions demand through of banking is from 1 to 10 minutes, on the other hand, 73% of clients consider that the use of mobile banking has reduced by 100% the cost of transfer commissions, finally, 76% of clients consider that the use of Mobile banking has improved your time management. The results of the investigation concluded that the intention of using mobile banking improves the client's time management, deriving this statement from the statistical data of the linear regression carried out in the investigation, having a multiple correlation coefficient of 0.657, close to the unit, as well as an R-squared that determined that 43% of the research data is explainable with the regression line and finally the F statistic was analyzed that when taking the value of 256.31 and this being greater than the critical value of F that takes the value of 2.16 explains that there is significance between the dependent variable transaction costs and the independent variable Mobile Banking.
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