Bibliographic citations
Parra, J., Prudencio, J. (2023). Optimización del diseño de suelo-cemento, adicionado con caucho reciclado para la mejora del comportamiento físico y mecánico del suelo arcilloso de la comunidad campesina de Chocco, Cusco, 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Parra, J., Prudencio, J. Optimización del diseño de suelo-cemento, adicionado con caucho reciclado para la mejora del comportamiento físico y mecánico del suelo arcilloso de la comunidad campesina de Chocco, Cusco, 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Optimización del diseño de suelo-cemento, adicionado con caucho reciclado para la mejora del comportamiento físico y mecánico del suelo arcilloso de la comunidad campesina de Chocco, Cusco, 2022",
author = "Prudencio Paucarmayta, Jean Philippe",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research thesis is to improve physical properties such as capillary rise index, which is an indicator of material strength and mechanical properties of cohesive soils such as CBR and maximum dry density; these are determining factors in the process of road construction. To optimize the design of soil cement with recycled rubber to improve the physical and mechanical behavior of the clayey soil of the rural community of Chocco, the mechanical and physical properties were evaluated in the dosages of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% of rubber and 0%, 2%, 4% of cement, resulting in 15 dosages. These dosages were made based on the background and bibliography consulted in this thesis, after which the experimental tests of maximum dry density, CBR and capillary rise index were carried out, with 2 repetitions in the CBR and capillary rise index tests. A total of 105 tests were carried out. Analyzing the mentioned properties of the natural soil, without addition of rubber and with addition of rubber; without addition of cement and with addition of cement, finding an optimum design between the proposed dosages. The specific hypotheses that make use of cement in their design were proved and the specific hypotheses that do not make use of cement in their design were not proved. The result of the dosage of 2% rubber and 4% cement was found, achieving a maximum dry density of 2.342 g/cm3, a CBR of 8.73% at 95%, 12.70% at 100% and a capillary absorption index of 0.0908 kg/(m2*s0. 5), with the N6 design being the optimum for the clayey soil of the Chocco farming community, improving the soil without additions by 10.08% of the dry density, 47.71% CBR at 95%, 33.60% at 100% CBR and reducing by 41.43% the water absorption rate by capillary rise.
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