Bibliographic citations
Pérez, R., (2018). Nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios que acuden a consulta externa en el Centro de Salud Independencia, Cusco- 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Pérez, R., Nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios que acuden a consulta externa en el Centro de Salud Independencia, Cusco- 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios que acuden a consulta externa en el Centro de Salud Independencia, Cusco- 2018",
author = "Pérez Sihuin, Roxana",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The study “LEVEL OF SATISFACTION OF THE USERS WHO COME TO EXTERNAL CONSULTATION IN THE CENTRO DE SALUD INDEPENDENCIA, CUSCO-2018“. It was carried out with the purpose of determining the level of satisfaction of the users who come to receive the health post of independence, Cusco, was descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, the interview was used as a technique and the survey instrument, with a sample of 249 users, using probabilistic sampling. Arriving at the conclusion that 56.6% are users, the age with greater frequency is from 18 to 35 years with 56.2%, the sex of greater concurrence is the female sex with 81.5%, the level of study of the respondent with a 34.1 % has complete secondary, the type of insurance with 59.4% have SIS, 83.9% are continuous users, the most attended clinic is general medicine with 85.1%, the staff that performs the care with 85.1% are doctors. the reliability dimension of the Centro de Salud Independencia 39% is satisfied and 4% very dissatisfied. In the response capacity dimension, 30.9% are unsatisfied and 4% are very dissatisfied. In the security dimension, 47.8% feel satisfied and 4% feel unsatisfied and very dissatisfied. In the empathy dimension, 51.8% feel dissatisfied, 4.1% very dissatisfied. In the dimension of tangible aspects, 32.1% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 3.6% felt dissatisfied. The variable level of satisfaction of the users who come to the outpatient clinic, feel with 37.3% neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 32.5% satisfied, 15.7% very dissatisfied, 10.4% regularly dissatisfied and 4.1% dissatisfied.
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