Bibliographic citations
Paredes, T., (2023). Relación de la enfermedad periodontal por la presencia de la bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis en placenta de pacientes post parto en el Hospital Regional Cusco -2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Paredes, T., Relación de la enfermedad periodontal por la presencia de la bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis en placenta de pacientes post parto en el Hospital Regional Cusco -2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Relación de la enfermedad periodontal por la presencia de la bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis en placenta de pacientes post parto en el Hospital Regional Cusco -2022",
author = "Paredes Valdivia, Thaiz Alicia",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The present study aims to determine the relationship between periodontal disease and the presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria in the placenta of postpartum patients at the Hospital Regional Cusco, a survey of quantitative approach, correlational scope, non-experimental and cross-sectional design, where 30 postpartum patients were examined in the service of Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Hospital Regional del Cusco. Clinical analysis was performed to determine the periodontal index of the sample using the Ramfjord Periodontal Disease Index, and biological samples were obtained from the placenta for the microbiological culture procedure and negative fluorescence analysis to determine the presence of the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. As result, a more significant presence of moderate gingivitis was found in the sample studied in 56.7% of the cases, as well as the presence of the bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis in 36.7%. On the other hand, when establishing a relationship according to age, it was found that there is a greater relationship in the sample studied in the age group of 31 to 35 years, indicating that the older the age, the greater the possibility of presenting the studied strain with a percentage of 81%, which is considered a high probability, finally it was determined that there is a significant relationship between the presence of the bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis in the placenta and periodontal disease in the postpartum patients (p<0. 05) and it was also determined that the presence of the studied strain could be conditioned by periodontal disease in 79% of the patients.
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