Bibliographic citations
Quispe, L., (2024). Efecto de la aceptación tecnológica y la cultura financiera en la rentabilidad de los floricultores comunidad de Huaraypata, distrito de Quiquijana, provincia de Quispicanchi, región de Cusco 2019-2023 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Quispe, L., Efecto de la aceptación tecnológica y la cultura financiera en la rentabilidad de los floricultores comunidad de Huaraypata, distrito de Quiquijana, provincia de Quispicanchi, región de Cusco 2019-2023 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Efecto de la aceptación tecnológica y la cultura financiera en la rentabilidad de los floricultores comunidad de Huaraypata, distrito de Quiquijana, provincia de Quispicanchi, región de Cusco 2019-2023",
author = "Quispe Layme, Luz Erika",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between acceptance technological and financial culture in the profitability of flower growers in the Huaraypata community, district of Quiquijana, province of Quispicanchi, Cusco region 2019-2023. In the last two decades, due to the climatic conditions in Latin American countries, as well as the increase in demand, the presence and sale of flowers has experienced a remarkable increase. Thus, several populations have opted for flower production; however, this production is still growing. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between technological acceptance and financial culture in the profitability of flower growers in the Huaraypata community, district of Quiquijana, province of Quispicanchi, Cusco region 2019-2023. The methodology of the study was a quantitative approach, correlational design. the sample was composed of 188 floricultural businesses. the instrument used was a questionnaire of. The results indicated a high technological acceptance, a regular financial culture, a predominant ROA of 120% and a ROE between 100% and 140%. The study concludes that both variables explain the variance of profitability in ROA and ROE by 7.2% and 10.9%, respectively.
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