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Becerra, A., (2024). Amparo de animales de compañía en supuestos derivados de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones en la Ley 30407 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Becerra, A., Amparo de animales de compañía en supuestos derivados de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones en la Ley 30407 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Amparo de animales de compañía en supuestos derivados de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones en la Ley 30407",
author = "Becerra Flores, Adriana Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Title: Amparo de animales de compañía en supuestos derivados de Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones en la Ley 30407
Authors(s): Becerra Flores, Adriana Patricia
Advisor(s): Vengoa Zúñiga, Antonio Fredy
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 10-Oct-2024
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo general analizar si son amparados por Ley N°
30407 Ley de Protección y Bienestar Animal, los animales de compañía en supuestos derivados
del Derecho de Familia y Sucesiones, se postuló como hipótesis de trabajo que la Ley N° 30407,
Ley de Protección y Bienestar Animal, debería regular eficazmente la protección del bienestar de
los animales de compañía en supuestos derivados del Derecho de Familia y del Derecho de
Sucesiones, garantizando su cuidado y evitando situaciones de vulnerabilidad. La investigación
fue cualitativa de tipo dogmático analítico, la técnica de recolección de datos fue el análisis
documental de doctrina, jurisprudencia, normas legales, derecho comparado y entrevista a
expertos, los objetivos fueron logrados y la conclusión principal fue que la Ley N° 30407, Ley de
Protección y Bienestar Animal, a pesar de sus avances en la protección de los animales en Perú,
presenta deficiencias significativas en lo que respecta a la regulación de los derechos de los
animales de compañía en el contexto del Derecho de Familia y del Derecho de Sucesiones. Aunque
la ley establece principios generales para el bienestar animal, carece de disposiciones específicas
para abordar situaciones como divorcios, separaciones y el destino de los animales tras el
fallecimiento de sus propietarios. Esta falta de regulación específica contrasta con las reformas
implementadas en otras jurisdicciones, como la española, que han que han avanzado en la inclusión
de los animales en el marco del Derecho de Familia y del Derecho de Sucesiones. Además, se
sugiere que, con el fin de fortalecer la protección de los animales de compañía en el ámbito del
Derecho de Familia y del Derecho de Sucesiones, se recomienda al Congreso de la República del
Perú reformar la Ley N° 30407, incorporando disposiciones específicas para regular la custodia de
los animales en casos de nulidad, separación o divorcio, y establecer normas claras sobre su destino
tras el fallecimiento de sus propietarios. Estas reformas deberían incluir mecanismos legales que permitan a los propietarios designar responsables en sus testamentos para el cuidado de sus
animales y asignar recursos destinados a su bienestar futuro, asegurando así una protección integral
y alineando la legislación peruana con los estándares internacionales en bienestar animal. Por otro
lado, también se recomienda que la regulación deberá basarse en los siguientes factores, como el
vínculo del animal con las partes involucradas, el tiempo disponible para su cuidado, las medidas
de seguridad que puedan ofrecerle, las condiciones para su recreación y descanso, la capacidad de
cubrir tanto sus necesidades emocionales como económicas, el lugar de residencia y las rutinas
diarias de cada parte, entre otros.
This research aimed to analyze whether the rights of companion animals are protected under Law No. 30407, the Animal Protection and Welfare Law, in cases arising from Family and Succession Law. The general hypothesis proposed was that Law No. 30407 does not cover issues related to Family and Succession Law concerning the rights of companion animals, and therefore, these animals are not adequately protected. The research was qualitative and dogmatic-analytical in nature, using documentary analysis of doctrine, jurisprudence, legal norms, comparative law, and expert interviews as data collection techniques. The hypotheses were validated, and the main conclusion was that, despite its advances in animal protection, Law No. 30407 presents significant deficiencies in regulating the rights of companion animals within the context of Family and Succession Law. Although the law establishes general principles for animal welfare, it lacks specific provisions for situations such as divorces, separations, and the fate of animals after their owner's death. This lack of specific regulation contrasts with reforms implemented in other jurisdictions, such as Spain, which have progressed in including animals within the framework of Family and Succession Law. In addition, it is suggested that, in order to strengthen the protection of companion animals within the scope of Family and Succession Law, the Congress of the Republic of Peru should consider reforming Law No. 30407, incorporating specific provisions to regulate the custody of animals in cases of divorce or separation. Also, establishing clear rules regarding their fate after the death of their owners. These reforms should include legal mechanisms that allow owners to designate a responsible person in their wills for the care of their animals and allocate resources for their future well-being, thus ensuring comprehensive protection and aligning Peruvian legislation with international animal welfare standards. The regulation should be based on primary factors, such as the bond between the animal and the parties involved, the time available for its care, and the security measures that can be offered; and on complementary factors, such as conditions for recreation and rest, the ability to meet both emotional and economic needs, the place of residence, and the daily routines of each part.
This research aimed to analyze whether the rights of companion animals are protected under Law No. 30407, the Animal Protection and Welfare Law, in cases arising from Family and Succession Law. The general hypothesis proposed was that Law No. 30407 does not cover issues related to Family and Succession Law concerning the rights of companion animals, and therefore, these animals are not adequately protected. The research was qualitative and dogmatic-analytical in nature, using documentary analysis of doctrine, jurisprudence, legal norms, comparative law, and expert interviews as data collection techniques. The hypotheses were validated, and the main conclusion was that, despite its advances in animal protection, Law No. 30407 presents significant deficiencies in regulating the rights of companion animals within the context of Family and Succession Law. Although the law establishes general principles for animal welfare, it lacks specific provisions for situations such as divorces, separations, and the fate of animals after their owner's death. This lack of specific regulation contrasts with reforms implemented in other jurisdictions, such as Spain, which have progressed in including animals within the framework of Family and Succession Law. In addition, it is suggested that, in order to strengthen the protection of companion animals within the scope of Family and Succession Law, the Congress of the Republic of Peru should consider reforming Law No. 30407, incorporating specific provisions to regulate the custody of animals in cases of divorce or separation. Also, establishing clear rules regarding their fate after the death of their owners. These reforms should include legal mechanisms that allow owners to designate a responsible person in their wills for the care of their animals and allocate resources for their future well-being, thus ensuring comprehensive protection and aligning Peruvian legislation with international animal welfare standards. The regulation should be based on primary factors, such as the bond between the animal and the parties involved, the time available for its care, and the security measures that can be offered; and on complementary factors, such as conditions for recreation and rest, the ability to meet both emotional and economic needs, the place of residence, and the daily routines of each part.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title: Abogada
Juror: González Álvarez, Roberto; Calvo Rodríguez, Yury; Castilla León, Arneb; Campana Zegarra, Silvio Oswaldo
Register date: 9-Jan-2025
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