Citas bibligráficas
Manrique, C., (2017). Turismo vivencial y mejora de la calidad de vida de la comunidad de Ccaccaccollo. distrito de Taray – provincia de calca departamento de Cusco 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Manrique, C., Turismo vivencial y mejora de la calidad de vida de la comunidad de Ccaccaccollo. distrito de Taray – provincia de calca departamento de Cusco 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Turismo vivencial y mejora de la calidad de vida de la comunidad de Ccaccaccollo. distrito de Taray – provincia de calca departamento de Cusco 2017.",
author = "Manrique Tupayachi, Carlos Fernando",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
Tourism in Peru is markedly cultural and experiential, reaching 80% of the market totality with and average stay of 19 days per person, variable between the services that tourist choose. Experiential tourism is understood when the tourist interacts with local people where they learn about habits, practice local traditions and customs that daily it realizes as principal activities. With experiential tourism the visitors have the opportunity to penetrate inside of one community, to practice Andean traditions or go back to the past to learn about pre-Inca, Inca, colonial and republic time, demonstrating how customs and food changed throughout the years. Also they use llamas, Andean animal to transport things throughout Andean landscapes. The Ccaccaccollo community it’s located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, is an Andean community that still preserves their ancestral customs and traditions with which trying to started in the Experiential Tourism without any planning to improve the quality of life in Ccaccaccollo community. Inside the problem statement, we can mention as main objective of the research, set up the relationship between Experiential Tourism and the improvement the quality of life to the villagers of the Ccaccaccollo community, district of Taray province of Calca department of Cusco 2017 Inside the Theoretical Framework, we can mention as a general hypothesis of the research, the Experimental Tourism is related to the quality of life to the villagers of the Ccaccaccollo community, district of Taray province of Calca department of Cusco 2017. The applied Methodology is Quantitative - Basic, Descriptive - Correlational and Descriptive - Analytical, interviews and surveys were applied to the villagers of the Ccaccaccollo community, district of Taray, province of Calca, department of Cusco. The results that were reached after the interviews and the villagers inquest of the Ccaccaccollo community, gave favorable results for the villagers because with the aid of Experiential Tourism they were able to improve their Quality of Life.
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