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Bernilla, M., (2016). El impuesto predial y el desarrollo sostenible en el Centro Poblado de Planchón periodo 2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Bernilla, M., El impuesto predial y el desarrollo sostenible en el Centro Poblado de Planchón periodo 2016. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "El impuesto predial y el desarrollo sostenible en el Centro Poblado de Planchón periodo 2016.",
author = "Bernilla Reyes, Milton",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
Title: El impuesto predial y el desarrollo sostenible en el Centro Poblado de Planchón periodo 2016.
Authors(s): Bernilla Reyes, Milton
Advisor(s): Flores Flores, Fredy Roger
Keywords: Impuesto predial; Desarrollo sostenible; Predio; Contribuyente; Beneficio
Issue Date: 2016
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: Las demandas del contexto moderno están exigiendo a las instituciones de diversa índole replantear sus estructuras de organización y el mejoramiento de impuesto predial de la cual refleja la situación y cambios en las transacciones que esto se cumpla, debe ser elaborado y presentado de acuerdo a los criterios, principios en las normas aplicadas en el desarrollo. Esta investigación se enmarca en este contexto porque busca contribuir al mejoramiento de desarrollo sostenible en centro poblado de Planchón, que se realiza un estudio correlacional entre el impuesto predial y el desarrollo sostenible, teniendo en cuenta que las instituciones se definen por sus resultados en este caso, se pretende conocer en qué medida están interrelacionadas ambas variables.
Además damos a conocer resultado descriptivo de cada variable que nos ha permitido determinar el impuesto predial y el desarrollo sostenible. Estos resultados obtenidos en la investigación, se considera que nuestra propuesta servirá de guía para la aplicabilidad; así como también contribuirá a presentar revelar información confiable, han sido un proceso cuidadoso de diseño de instrumentos, recolección de datos, procesamiento electrónico y sistematización a la luz de los principales referentes teóricos desarrollados en las bases teóricas que han generado arribar a conclusiones y recomendaciones para el fortalecimiento.
The demands of the modern context are demanding the government institutions to rethink their organizational structures and improving property tax which reflects the situation and changes in transactions that is true, it must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the criteria principles in the standards applied in development. This research is framed in this context because it seeks to contribute to the improvement of sustainable development in the village of Planchon, a correlational study between property tax and sustainable development is done center, given that institutions are defined by their results in this case , is to know to what extent both are interrelated variables. In addition we present descriptive results of each variable that has allowed us to determine the property tax and sustainable development. These results obtained in the investigation, it is considered that our proposal will guide the applicability; and also contribute to present disclose reliable information, they have been a careful process of instrument design, data collection, electronic processing and systematization in the light of the main theoretical framework developed in the theoretical foundations that have generated reach conclusions and recommendations strengthening.
The demands of the modern context are demanding the government institutions to rethink their organizational structures and improving property tax which reflects the situation and changes in transactions that is true, it must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the criteria principles in the standards applied in development. This research is framed in this context because it seeks to contribute to the improvement of sustainable development in the village of Planchon, a correlational study between property tax and sustainable development is done center, given that institutions are defined by their results in this case , is to know to what extent both are interrelated variables. In addition we present descriptive results of each variable that has allowed us to determine the property tax and sustainable development. These results obtained in the investigation, it is considered that our proposal will guide the applicability; and also contribute to present disclose reliable information, they have been a careful process of instrument design, data collection, electronic processing and systematization in the light of the main theoretical framework developed in the theoretical foundations that have generated reach conclusions and recommendations strengthening.
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Discipline: Contabilidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grade or title: Contador Público
Register date: 2-Mar-2017
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