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Montalvo, E., (2020). El comportamiento del consumidor de la tienda Promart Homecenter sucursal San Jerónimo, Cusco – 2020 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Montalvo, E., El comportamiento del consumidor de la tienda Promart Homecenter sucursal San Jerónimo, Cusco – 2020 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "El comportamiento del consumidor de la tienda Promart Homecenter sucursal San Jerónimo, Cusco – 2020",
author = "Montalvo Barrios, Edisohn Yasmani",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
Title: El comportamiento del consumidor de la tienda Promart Homecenter sucursal San Jerónimo, Cusco – 2020
Authors(s): Montalvo Barrios, Edisohn Yasmani
Advisor(s): Chávez Chacón, Ana Cecilia
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 6-Jul-2020
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación, tuvo como objetivo principal describir cómo es el
comportamiento del consumidor de la tienda Promart Homecenter sucursal San Jerónimo, Cusco,
para lo cual se estudió la variable de comportamiento del consumidor, siendo descompuesta en las
siguientes dimensiones de investigación; siendo 4 factores específicos: el núcleo psicológico, el
proceso de toma de decisiones, la cultura del consumidor y resultados y temas del comportamiento
del consumidor. La investigación es básica de enfoque cuantitativo, con un alcance descriptivo y
el diseño de la investigación es no experimental; la muestra no probabilística estuvo constituida
inicialmente por 384 consumidores del mencionado establecimiento, cabe señalar que por la
situación del Covid-19 y la no apertura de la tienda, la muestra se tuvo que determinar a discreción
del investigador con los consumidores contactados mediante el banco de datos obtenidos por la
empresa, de manera que se consideró un total de 150 contactos de los consumidores, de los cuales
se recopiló la información a través de la encuesta elaborada específicamente para esta
investigación. Se determinó que el comportamiento del consumidor de la tienda Promart
Homecenter sucursal San Jerónimo, Cusco – 2020, es adecuado con un valor promedio de 3.52
según la escala de medición establecida. Los resultados de las dimensiones obtenidas a nivel
general son: factores del núcleo psicológico considerado como adecuado con un promedio de 3.57,
factores del proceso de toma de decisiones considerado como adecuado con un promedio de 3.69,
factores de la cultura del consumidor considerado como adecuado con un promedio de 3.42 y
factores de los resultados y temas del comportamiento del consumidor considerado como
regularmente adecuado con un promedio de 3.40. en consecuencia, se concluye que se debe
mantener la continuidad de los mismos procedimientos ya establecidos, pero eso no significa estancarse en lo ya obtenido, al contrario de debe considerar trabajar en mejorar trabajar en mejorar
los indicadores con resultados que regularmente son adecuado para lograr niveles óptimos.
This research work had as main objective to describe how is the consumer behavior of Promart Homecenter store branch San Jerónimo, Cusco, for which we studied the variable of consumer behavior, being decomposed into the following research dimensions; There are 4 specific factors: the psychological core, the decision-making process, the consumer culture and results and issues of consumer behavior. The research is basic with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope and the research design is non-experimental; The non-probabilistic sample was initially made up of 384 consumers of that establishment, it should be noted that due to the situation of covid-19 and the non-opening of the store, the sample had to be determined at the researcher's discretion with the consumers contacted through the database obtained by the company, so that a total of 150 contacts of consumers were considered, From which the information was collected through the survey prepared specifically for this research. It was determined that the consumer behavior of the Promart Homecenter store branch San Jerónimo, Cusco - 2020, is adequate with an average value of 3.52 according to the measurement scale established. The results of the dimensions obtained at the general level are: factors of the psychological core considered as adequate with an average of 3.57, factors of the decision-making process considered as adequate with an average of 3.69, factors of the consumer culture considered as adequate with an average of 3.42 and factors of the results and issues of consumer behavior considered as regularly adequate with an average of 3.40. Consequently, it is concluded that the continuity of the same established procedures should be maintained, but this does not mean stagnation in what has already been obtained, on the contrary, it should consider working on improving indicators with results that are regularly adequate to achieve optimal levels.
This research work had as main objective to describe how is the consumer behavior of Promart Homecenter store branch San Jerónimo, Cusco, for which we studied the variable of consumer behavior, being decomposed into the following research dimensions; There are 4 specific factors: the psychological core, the decision-making process, the consumer culture and results and issues of consumer behavior. The research is basic with a quantitative approach, with a descriptive scope and the research design is non-experimental; The non-probabilistic sample was initially made up of 384 consumers of that establishment, it should be noted that due to the situation of covid-19 and the non-opening of the store, the sample had to be determined at the researcher's discretion with the consumers contacted through the database obtained by the company, so that a total of 150 contacts of consumers were considered, From which the information was collected through the survey prepared specifically for this research. It was determined that the consumer behavior of the Promart Homecenter store branch San Jerónimo, Cusco - 2020, is adequate with an average value of 3.52 according to the measurement scale established. The results of the dimensions obtained at the general level are: factors of the psychological core considered as adequate with an average of 3.57, factors of the decision-making process considered as adequate with an average of 3.69, factors of the consumer culture considered as adequate with an average of 3.42 and factors of the results and issues of consumer behavior considered as regularly adequate with an average of 3.40. Consequently, it is concluded that the continuity of the same established procedures should be maintained, but this does not mean stagnation in what has already been obtained, on the contrary, it should consider working on improving indicators with results that are regularly adequate to achieve optimal levels.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Juror: Campaña Morro, Waldo Enrique; Vizcarra Mejia, Eddy; Jordán Serrano, Joaquín; Ponce Fernández Baca, Manuel Abraham
Register date: 7-Mar-2022
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