Bibliographic citations
Atausinchi, R., Cordova, D. (2024). Eficacia de la acupuntura y terapia neural en pacientes adultos mayores con dolor crónico del Hospital Nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco Essalud – Cusco, 2024. [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Atausinchi, R., Cordova, D. Eficacia de la acupuntura y terapia neural en pacientes adultos mayores con dolor crónico del Hospital Nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco Essalud – Cusco, 2024. []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Eficacia de la acupuntura y terapia neural en pacientes adultos mayores con dolor crónico del Hospital Nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco Essalud – Cusco, 2024.",
author = "Cordova Cusi, Deyanira Giseth",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Objective: Determine the effectiveness of acupuncture and neural therapy in older adult patients with chronic pain at the Adolfo Guevara Velasco EsSalud National Hospital, 2024. Methodology: Quasi-experimental, quantitative, prospective and transversal. Population and sample: Made up of 207 older adults and the sample made up of 136 older adults who meet the selection criteria. Results: It was found that, of the general characteristics, the majority of patients are between 60 and 65 years old (31.2%), are women (60.9%), have a higher level of education (63.8%) and do not work (55.8% ). Regarding comorbidities, 39.9% do not have diseases, followed by 26.1% with other conditions and 19.6% with hypertension. Regarding the characteristics of chronic pain, the most frequent diagnosis of chronic pain is other causes (31.2%), the etiology is mechanical or compression (39.1%), the location of pain in joints (59.7%), the temporal pattern is constant ( 53.6%), the duration of ≥4 years (31.2%) and the type of lancinating pain (31.2%). The intensity of pain before treatment is more frequent severe pain with 53.6%, while the intensity of pain after treatment is more frequent mild pain with 87.0%, meanwhile, significant differences (p<0.001) were found between the pain intensity before and after treatment. Conclusions: Treatment with acupuncture and neural therapy is effective (p<0.001) in older adult patients with chronic pain at the Adolfo Guevara Velasco EsSalud National Hospital.
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