Bibliographic citations
Choque, A., (2022). La constitución automática del actor civil en el proceso penal peruano regulado en el código procesal penal del 2004 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Choque, A., La constitución automática del actor civil en el proceso penal peruano regulado en el código procesal penal del 2004 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "La constitución automática del actor civil en el proceso penal peruano regulado en el código procesal penal del 2004",
author = "Choque Quispe, Abigail Elizabeth",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
This research work from the qualitative approach is directed to the study of the constitution of the civil actor, through interpretation, it is an analysis of the figure of the civil actor and his performance in the framework of the development of a criminal process. the right to defense and due process as fundamental rights should not be violated by the non-constitution of the civil actor. As noted in this investigation, in the intermediate stage and the stellar stage, the oral trial, it has been noted that the participation of the civil actor isn’t always. This because said procedural subject could not be validly constituted in the process due to ignorance or not being duly advised. The violation of the right to defense and due process is corroborated with a bibliographic study and through the analysis of interviews addressed to victims and civil actors. Through these instruments it`s evident that there is a defenselessness within the process with respect to these subjects due to ignorance of said legal branch. In the same way, through an exhaustive analysis, of the constitution of the civil actor and of the type of proactive investigation, the same one that must be established automatically, for which, in accordance with what was applied in the repealed Code of Criminal Procedures, which guaranteed the right to defense more effectively than our current code, we can propose a modification and repeal of articles concerning the chapter of the civil actor.
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