Bibliographic citations
Baca, C., (2018). Factores determinantes del nuevo estilo de consumo originados por las nuevas cadenas de comercio en la provincia del Cusco años 2013 – 2016. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Baca, C., Factores determinantes del nuevo estilo de consumo originados por las nuevas cadenas de comercio en la provincia del Cusco años 2013 – 2016. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Factores determinantes del nuevo estilo de consumo originados por las nuevas cadenas de comercio en la provincia del Cusco años 2013 – 2016.",
author = "Baca Miranda, Carlo André",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The purpose of the present investigation is it of analyzing the factors that affect directly in the consumption of the persons who visit the Royal Mall Plaza in the province of the Cusco, from the beginning we observe the increase of the revenue for the enormous economic growth in the year 2013. The increase of the PBI of Cusco's department explains for the activity of the mining industry and hydrocarbons, as result of the growth of the production of lead, copper, silver, gold, I liquidate of gas and natural gas. The middle class at present has different components of income. This allows him this sector to have a discretionary consumption, changing his hierarchies of needs to the moment to buy, the ciudad of the Cusco it is one of the cities of the interior of the country that generates more consumption in commercial, enclosed center more than Lima, and is now that gives itself to notice a major penetration of offers provinces and a major assistance to the malls for what the topic of the strategies of marketing they play an important role in this aspect. Said the previous thing we will analyze the Revenue, the socioeconomic stratum and the strategies of marketing and his relation with the consumption originated to know if they are determinant factors of the new style of consumption and for this we will develop an explanatory investigation of level correlational. We will help ourselves with economic theories based on the consumer behavior and the Neuromarketing. As for these tools they consisted of the formulation of surveys and his respective results. Finally, it is possible to infer that the style of consumption on the part of the citizens has changed, thanks to the factors as of the revenue, the socioeconomic stratum and the strategies of marketing; being named these in determinant factors of the process of the new style of consumption originated by the new chains of trade in the province of the Cusco.
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