Bibliographic citations
Qqueccaño, J., (2019). Variación del pH salival por el consumo de bebidas industrializadas y su relación con la caries dental en escolares de 6 – 11 años de edad del Centro Educativo - José María Arguedas - Cusco 2018. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Qqueccaño, J., Variación del pH salival por el consumo de bebidas industrializadas y su relación con la caries dental en escolares de 6 – 11 años de edad del Centro Educativo - José María Arguedas - Cusco 2018. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2019.
title = "Variación del pH salival por el consumo de bebidas industrializadas y su relación con la caries dental en escolares de 6 – 11 años de edad del Centro Educativo - José María Arguedas - Cusco 2018.",
author = "Qqueccaño Qqueccaño, Javier Edison",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2019"
The objective of this study was to determine the variation of salivary pH and its relationship with dental caries in schoolchildren between 6 and 11 years of age at the José María Arguedas National Educational Center in Cusco. The research was carried out with a population of 80 students enrolled in the 2018 school year. The study is comparative, cross-sectional, field, quantitative, observational. The instrument that was applied was by means of two data collection cards where the first and final pH were recorded, and the differences of the two values that determined the variation and in the second the odontogram to determine the caries index. and CEOD. The data were processed using the SPSS program, descriptive statistics were used with measures of central tendency according to the nature of the variable for the hypothesis test was used according to the Pearson normality test as a measure of significance, for look for the p value with 95% confidence intervals. According to the results obtained in the study, it was determined that there is a variation in salivary pH due to the effect of gas consumption and a statistically significant relationship with dental caries. On the other hand, it was also determined that there is a variation in the salivary pH due to the effect of juice consumption in the fruit nectar box. So statistically both drinks are related to tooth decay. Since the students who were part of this study determined a high risk of caries by 62%.
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