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Montalvo, K., (2019). El discapacitado auditivo y su derecho a ser oído ante las autoridades administrativas, policiales y judiciales [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Montalvo, K., El discapacitado auditivo y su derecho a ser oído ante las autoridades administrativas, policiales y judiciales []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2019.
title = "El discapacitado auditivo y su derecho a ser oído ante las autoridades administrativas, policiales y judiciales",
author = "Montalvo Ramirez, Karolyne",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2019"
Title: El discapacitado auditivo y su derecho a ser oído ante las autoridades administrativas, policiales y judiciales
Authors(s): Montalvo Ramirez, Karolyne
Advisor(s): Huamán Afán, Juan
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 17-Jun-2019
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: La presente investigación contiene temas relacionados a las personas con discapacidad
auditiva y su derecho de ser oído ante las autoridades administrativas, policiales y judiciales,
el cual trata sobre los apoyos y salvaguardias, sin embargo, esta norma solamente lo señala
como “apoyos” y “salvaguardias”, más no quien desempeñará dicho cargo o responsabilidad,
así como la designación de la persona que dará su apoyo o salvaguardia (la norma dice que será
en proceso no contencioso) pero para nosotros esto lo hace más burocrático.
De esa manera, podemos señalar lo establecido en el artículo 45-B del Código Civil Peruano
(1984), el mismo que fue incluido por el artículo 2 del Decreto Legislativo N° 1384, el cual
señala que: “Pueden designar apoyos y salvaguardias, 1. Las personas con discapacidad que
manifiesten su voluntad pueden contar con apoyos y salvaguardias designados judicialmente.
Podemos decir que la discapacidad existe desde tiempos remotos, que según los modelos
tenemos el de la prescindencia (Edad Media) por el que a las personas con discapacidad se les
consideraba una maldición o castigo divino, por la que no era considerado como un ser humano.
De manera que la sociedad pone un alto a ello y lo considera como un modelo rehabilitador,
en el que las personas eran ingresadas a un centro de rehabilitación en donde las formas de
buscar contrarrestar estos problemas, era casi inhumano pues se les torturaba para poder
En la actualidad, se observa que la discapacidad sigue estigmatizada por la sociedad, puesto
que las personas “normales”, quienes no padecen de ninguna discapacidad, miran como ajena
esta situación, como si estarían libres de padecerla, hecho que produce una gran barrera de
desigualdad en la misma sociedad y más aún si esta viene de las autoridades, la misma que se
ve concretada en la falta de vías o medios de comunicación, eficientes, y, como es en la materia
de nuestra investigación, específicamente nos referimos a que estos no cuentan con apoyos y salvaguardias determinados de acuerdo a sus necesidades, por ejemplo un “Interprete de lengua
de señas”, que sería lo más adecuado para las personas que padecen discapacidad auditiva y
estas a su vez a través de ellos puedan ejercer su derecho de ser oído ante las autoridades
administrativas, policiales y judiciales.
This research contains issues related to people with hearing disabilities and their right to be heard before the administrative, police and judicial authorities, which deals with supports and safeguards, however, this rule only indicates it as “supports“ and “ safeguards ”, but not who will carry out said position or responsibility, as well as the appointment of the person who will give their support or safeguard (the norm says that it will be in a non-contentious process) but for us this makes it more bureaucratic. In this way, we can point out what is established in article 45-B of the Peruvian Civil Code (1984), the same that was included by article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 1384, which states that: “They can designate supports and safeguards, 1. Persons with disabilities who express their will can count on judicially designated support and safeguards. (…) “ We can say that disability has existed since ancient times, that according to the models we have that of disregard (Middle Ages) by which people with disabilities were considered a curse or divine punishment, for which they were not considered as a human being. So society puts a stop to it and considers it as a rehabilitative model, in which people were admitted to a rehabilitation center where the ways to seek to counteract these problems, it was almost inhuman because they were tortured in order to cure them. At present, it is observed that disability continues to be stigmatized by society, since “normal” people, who do not suffer from any disability, regard this situation as alien, as if they would be free to suffer from it, a fact that produces a great barrier to inequality in the same society and even more so if it comes from the authorities, the same that is concretized in the lack of efficient ways or means of communication, and, as it is in the matter of our research, we specifically mean that these do not have support and safeguards determined according to their needs, for example a “sign language interpreter“, which would be the most appropriate for people with hearing disabilities and these in turn, through them, can exercise their right to be heard before the administrative, police and judicial authorities.
This research contains issues related to people with hearing disabilities and their right to be heard before the administrative, police and judicial authorities, which deals with supports and safeguards, however, this rule only indicates it as “supports“ and “ safeguards ”, but not who will carry out said position or responsibility, as well as the appointment of the person who will give their support or safeguard (the norm says that it will be in a non-contentious process) but for us this makes it more bureaucratic. In this way, we can point out what is established in article 45-B of the Peruvian Civil Code (1984), the same that was included by article 2 of Legislative Decree No. 1384, which states that: “They can designate supports and safeguards, 1. Persons with disabilities who express their will can count on judicially designated support and safeguards. (…) “ We can say that disability has existed since ancient times, that according to the models we have that of disregard (Middle Ages) by which people with disabilities were considered a curse or divine punishment, for which they were not considered as a human being. So society puts a stop to it and considers it as a rehabilitative model, in which people were admitted to a rehabilitation center where the ways to seek to counteract these problems, it was almost inhuman because they were tortured in order to cure them. At present, it is observed that disability continues to be stigmatized by society, since “normal” people, who do not suffer from any disability, regard this situation as alien, as if they would be free to suffer from it, a fact that produces a great barrier to inequality in the same society and even more so if it comes from the authorities, the same that is concretized in the lack of efficient ways or means of communication, and, as it is in the matter of our research, we specifically mean that these do not have support and safeguards determined according to their needs, for example a “sign language interpreter“, which would be the most appropriate for people with hearing disabilities and these in turn, through them, can exercise their right to be heard before the administrative, police and judicial authorities.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title: Abogada
Juror: Ochoa Saire, Fredy; Vásquez Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Sequeiros Ataucuri, Carlos Irineo; Polanco Chávez, Silvia Antonieta
Register date: 21-Dec-2021
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