Bibliographic citations
Castelo, V., Sanchez, L. (2023). El perjuicio que causa el artículo 23° del TUO de la ley del procedimiento de ejecución coactiva en la ejecución forzosa en la Municipalidad Distrital de San Jerónimo” [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Castelo, V., Sanchez, L. El perjuicio que causa el artículo 23° del TUO de la ley del procedimiento de ejecución coactiva en la ejecución forzosa en la Municipalidad Distrital de San Jerónimo” []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "El perjuicio que causa el artículo 23° del TUO de la ley del procedimiento de ejecución coactiva en la ejecución forzosa en la Municipalidad Distrital de San Jerónimo”",
author = "Sanchez Carbajal, Lisseth Meily",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The present investigation focuses its study on the classification of numerals 23.1 and 23.3 of article 23 of the Single Ordered Text of Law No. 26979 Law of Coercive Execution Procedure. It is necessary to clarify that through the procedure indicated above, the forced collection of unpaid debts is made in favor of the municipality through embargoes that derive from fines, payment orders, determination resolutions that are imposed on those administered for having infringed municipal regulations. One of the characteristics of this procedure is that it is not possible to file appeals contemplated in the law, since the substantive issue has been deliberated in the public administration units that determined the debt, in this sense, its sole purpose is merely forced collection for non-payment. However, it has been observed that in the content of article 23 of the Single Ordered Text of Law No. 26979 Coercive Execution Procedure Law, the obligor can repeatedly present a procedural mechanism called Demand for Judicial Review of the Coercive Procedure that is filed before the Administrative Litigation Chamber or Civil Chamber in the event that there is no contentious matter at the scene of the event, through which the Judiciary will review only the issue of form of the coercive procedure. The effect of the presentation of the Demand for Judicial Review is the suspension of the coercive procedure, only with the presentation to the Coercive Executor of the charge of presentation before the table of parties of the Judiciary (Without Admissory Order) with the consequent lifting of the measures injunctions (Embargoes). Observing that with this procedure the obligors are favored by being able to dispose of their patrimony and transfer their assets in order to evade the collection action. Likewise, it is noted that what is sought is to evade payment and at the same time generates
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