Bibliographic citations
Canahuire, A., (2011). Efectos del aprendizaje estratégico sobre el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Programa Académico Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Andina del Cusco-2010. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Canahuire, A., Efectos del aprendizaje estratégico sobre el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Programa Académico Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Andina del Cusco-2010. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2011.
title = "Efectos del aprendizaje estratégico sobre el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Programa Académico Profesional de Administración de la Universidad Andina del Cusco-2010.",
author = "Canahuire Montúfar, Abraham Edgard",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2011"
The present investigation tries to know that the university students do to develop and to learn in a strategic way, which aim is to demonstrate that the application of the Strategic Learning improves the level of academic performance in the learning process of the students of the Academic Professional Program of Administration of the Andean University of the Cusco, with regard to the memory traditional learning. They exist diverse focus on the Strategic Learning, in this investigation it is chosen for the strategic as synonymous learning of learning strategies. From this approach, the strategic learning they are the learning strategies conducive to the capture of conscious decisions of way or unconscious, where the pupil chooses, it recovers and dominates a certain strategy of a coordinated way, managing to learn the knowledge that he needs. The results of the investigation us demonstrate that the strategic learning influences significantly the academic performance with an average of 17.4167 points, with regard to the group control with an average of 14.1 points, applying Tukey's test to 95 % of confidence he concludes that it improves the academic performance in 3.01667 points with respect of the traditional memory learning.
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