Bibliographic citations
Abarca, D., Gomez, R. (2017). Evaluación y determinación de agentes físicos y químicos en las operaciones industriales; Cusco, Calca y Quillabamba de la empresa primax en el Proyecto Gasoducto Sur Peruano 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Abarca, D., Gomez, R. Evaluación y determinación de agentes físicos y químicos en las operaciones industriales; Cusco, Calca y Quillabamba de la empresa primax en el Proyecto Gasoducto Sur Peruano 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Evaluación y determinación de agentes físicos y químicos en las operaciones industriales; Cusco, Calca y Quillabamba de la empresa primax en el Proyecto Gasoducto Sur Peruano 2017.",
author = "Gomez Baca, Royed Ray",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
The objective of this thesis was to evaluate and determine the physicaland chemical agents in industrial operations; CUSCO, CALCA AND QUILLABAMBA of the company OSS-PRIMAX in the project GASODUCTO SURPERUANO, using engineering techniques for the evaluation and determinationof physical / chemical risk factors. Through a descriptive study and with a population under study (n = 6)information was collected from the work plan of the fuel operator and supervisorof operations in all industrial operations, making use of the flow chart and the GEMA matrix identified that the following physical / chemical risk factors; lighting,radiation, noise, volatile organic compounds, inhalable and respirable particles,have a greater presence in activities. Through a monitoring with certified equipment of said agents, weproceeded to evaluate them, for the case of inhalable and respirable particles the laboratory results were expected. With the results obtained it was determined if the physical and chemical agents present in the activities that the workers develop represent a labor risk,comparing the data with national and international standards of occupationalhygiene, it was obtained that all the workers of the three Industrial Operations; except for Calca's operations supervisor, they are exposed to a high level ofradiation, and in the work plan of the operations supervisor of Cusco and Quillabamba (KP28), the lighting levels are below the Required Minimum Level.
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