Bibliographic citations
Sapacayo, N., Yépez, C. (2021). El capital humano y su incidencia en el ingreso de las asociaciones de mujeres productoras de las comunidades campesinas de Ocra y Anansaya, distrito de Chinchaypujio, provincia Anta – Cusco, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sapacayo, N., Yépez, C. El capital humano y su incidencia en el ingreso de las asociaciones de mujeres productoras de las comunidades campesinas de Ocra y Anansaya, distrito de Chinchaypujio, provincia Anta – Cusco, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "El capital humano y su incidencia en el ingreso de las asociaciones de mujeres productoras de las comunidades campesinas de Ocra y Anansaya, distrito de Chinchaypujio, provincia Anta – Cusco, 2018",
author = "Yépez Álvarez, César Orlando",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
The present work of investigation entitled “The human capital and its incidence in the entrance of the associations of producing women of the rural communities of Ocra and Anansaya, district of Chinchaypujio, Anta - Cusco province, 2018“, has by fundamental objective to analyze the as the factors of generation of human capital (level of education, qualifications and associativity) affect in the generation of economic income of each partner. The research has a quantitative and non-experimental focus, the type of research is correlative-causal, since the degree of relationship between the study variables will be measured. The results of the statistical tests applied to the 42 members show that training (p value = 0.00) and associativity (p value = 0.00) significantly influence the income of each member, while the level of instruction (p value = 0.949) does not significantly influence the income. This is because 35.7% have incomplete primary education and only 3 members (7.1%) have complete secondary education, and none have higher education. It is important to point out that 25 members did not generate income from any productive activity before joining their association and currently the totality of members (42) generate income from some activity, where we find that 57.1% generate monthly income of between S/79.20 -S/680.00 and 42.9% generate income of between S/681.00 -S/3,080.00. We conclude that if we invest in training and in the formation of associations of women producers, we will be able to improve the quality of life of women in the rural area. Today, the producer members of the rural communities of Ocra and Anansaya are considered productive, competent, empowered and economically independent.
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