Bibliographic citations
Otazu, M., (2017). Administración de recursos humanos en la municipalidad distrital de Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Otazu, M., Administración de recursos humanos en la municipalidad distrital de Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Administración de recursos humanos en la municipalidad distrital de Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado 2017.",
author = "Otazu Otazu, Marco Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
The present investigation in the District Municipality of Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado, aims to describe the administration of human resources in the District Municipality of Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado, 2017. Methodologically, a basic descriptive research was carried out, with a quantitative approach with a non-experimental design and a cross section, and the population under study are the collaborators of the District Municipality of Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado, 2017, which are 43 collaborators , the sample of the present investigation is of type case, on the other hand, the technique that was used for the data collection has been the survey with its instrument the questionnaire, data that have been processed with the help of the data sheet of Excel and the SPSS program for tabulation. In the theoretical framework we found antecedents at an international and national level, on the other hand, the legal bases were prescribed as the theoretical bases with respect to the administration of human resources, its importance and factors such as the policies of the human resources, the organization, the recruitment of personnel, the selection of personnel, training, reward and evaluation, in order to determine the operationalization and identification of indicators of the aforementioned dimensions of the study variable. For the processing of the data reached, the Excel data sheet and the SPSS program have been used. For the understanding of these results, frequency tables and graphs by items with their respective analysis and interpretation are shown. That the administration of human resources in the District Municipality of Madre de Dios - Boca Colorado, is not appropriate or good, determined by 100% that equals the 43 collaborators surveyed, causing this, that the goals as well as the objectives are not reached to concretize, therefore, the development of the organization, of the collaborators as of the society, will be affected by this great weakness.
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