Bibliographic citations
Mendoza, M., (2017). Aplicación del factoring en el financiamiento de recursos para mejorar los niveles de liquidez en la empresa artesanal joyería Verena E.I.R.L. en el distrito Pisaq periodo 2015. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mendoza, M., Aplicación del factoring en el financiamiento de recursos para mejorar los niveles de liquidez en la empresa artesanal joyería Verena E.I.R.L. en el distrito Pisaq periodo 2015. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Aplicación del factoring en el financiamiento de recursos para mejorar los niveles de liquidez en la empresa artesanal joyería Verena E.I.R.L. en el distrito Pisaq periodo 2015.",
author = "Mendoza Tecsi, Melissa K`antu",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
This research paper entitled: “FACTORING APPLICATION IN FUNDING OF RESOURCES TO IMPROVE THE LIQUIDITY LEVELS IN THE CRAFT ENTERPRISE JOYERÌA VERENA E.I.R.L. PERIODO 2015”. Its general objective is to determine the application of Factoring in the liquidity of the craft company JOYERIA VERENA E.I.R.L. - 2015“. This proposal stems from the need for bank financing for the production of their goods; to achieve the necessary capital increase in the production of products, purchase of materials, and thus meet the expectations of international customers. Craft enterprises need bank financing; that is why seeking the best financing option to have as a good alternative to FACTORING. It is shown that the Factoring has had a positive effect on Verena E.I.R.L. in 2015, allowing liquidity throughout the period, without the need for additional financing. Main conclusion: the company made a successful decision when applying the Factoring for financing the company without jeopardizing its liquidity, where we can observe that the difference between a financial credit and Factoring is in a significant way giving rise to the increase in the production of the products to be offered.
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