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Huamán, M., (2020). Los delitos informáticos en Perú y la suscripción del Convenio de Budapest [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Huamán, M., Los delitos informáticos en Perú y la suscripción del Convenio de Budapest []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "Los delitos informáticos en Perú y la suscripción del Convenio de Budapest",
author = "Huamán Cruz, Marleny Yudy",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
Title: Los delitos informáticos en Perú y la suscripción del Convenio de Budapest
Authors(s): Huamán Cruz, Marleny Yudy
Advisor(s): Pérez Sánchez, Carlos Alberto
Keywords: Delitos informáticos; Convenios; Tratamiento; Adecuación; Normatividad
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2020
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: La presente investigación, intitulada “LOS DELITOS INFORMÁTICOS EN
partir de observar una realidad en la que los delitos informáticos van tomando mayor
presencia y de conocer la postura que asume nuestro Estado para hacer frente a estos
delitos; una de ellas es la suscripción del Convenio de Budapest o Convenio de
Ciberdelincuencia y lo que se analiza, es la manera en que la suscripción del
mencionado convenio influye en el tratamiento de los delitos informáticos, que nos
lleva a plantearnos las siguientes interrogantes: ¿De qué manera la suscripción del
convenio de Budapest influye en el tratamiento de los delitos informáticos? como
pregunta general, y como preguntas específicas, ¿Cuál es el desarrollo legislativo de
los delitos informáticos en el Perú? ¿Cuál es la problemática actual generada por los
delitos informáticos en el Perú? ¿Cómo es la legislación de delitos informáticos en
países sudamericanos que suscribieron el convenio de Budapest? ¿Cuáles son los
efectos que produce la suscripción del convenio de Budapest?, cada una de ellas con
sus respectivos objetivos.
En el Marco teórico, se pone especial énfasis en el desarrollo de nuestras
categorías de estudio, siendo la primera categoría “Los Delitos Informáticos” y la
segunda categoría “El Convenio de Budapest”. En el diseño metodológico se ha considerado: El enfoque de investigación
cualitativo, por cuanto se orienta a la revisión y obtención de datos de carácter
teórico y legislativo antes que a la obtención de datos estadísticos; como tipo de
investigación: Descriptiva Jurídica y Comparativa; y el nivel de investigación:
Investigación básica, al estar orientada a la revisión de conocimientos teóricos que
se verán ampliados. Así como técnicas e instrumentos que han permitido obtener
información doctrinaria, legislativa y de casos.
Todo ello ha permitido arribar a las siguientes conclusiones: PRIMERA: La
suscripción del Convenio de Budapest, influye de manera relativa en el tratamiento
de los delitos informáticos, al centrarse en la adecuación de nuestra normatividad a
la prevista en el mencionado Convenio, como es establecer un catálogo de delitos,
establecer normas procesales orientadas a salvaguardar las evidencias digitales y
recurrir a la cooperación internacional para investigar la comisión de este tipo de
delitos; y la principal característica que es la cooperación internacional para
investigar casos trascedentes ha tenido mínima aplicación desde su suscripción.
SEGUNDA: El desarrollo legislativo de los delitos informáticos en el Perú ha sido
progresivo y rápido en un periodo de 30 años que comienza en 1991 con la
tipificación de estos delitos en el artículo 207 del Código Penal, pero, sobre todo
desde el año 2013 con la promulgación de la ley 30096 y las modificaciones
realizadas en con la Ley 30171, hasta la suscripción del Convenio en mención,
permitiendo contar en la actualidad con legislación equiparable a la legislación
comparada de delitos informático. TERCERA: La problemática actual causada por la comisión de delitos informáticos en el Perú es creciente; obedece al acceso y uso
de diversos y novedosos medios tecnológicos por parte de los ciberdelincuentes,
situación que hace difícil su identificación y ubicación. En América Latina en el año
2017 el Perú ha sido el más afectado con los programas ransomware con un 25.1%
del total de casos presentado; para el 2019, nuestro país era el tercer país en América
latina más afectados con programas Spyware; el mismo años se presentaron 3012
denuncias por fraude informático y 247 denuncias sobre suplantación de identidad
en la Divindat); se suma a ello, el escaso presupuesto destinado a contar con
tecnología de alta gama para la persecución de este tipo de delitos. CUARTA: La
legislación sobre delitos informáticos de países sudamericanos que suscribieron el
convenio de Budapest es uniforme y permite una integración generada a partir de la
cooperación internacional promovida por dicho Convenio. QUINTA: Los efectos
de suscribir el Convenio de Budapest, son positivos a nivel legislativo, porque
permite contar con un catálogo integral de delitos informáticos, sin embargo, se
requieren de políticas orientadas a destinar recursos económicos para el
equipamiento de la tecnología informativa que permita hacer frente a los delitos
The present investigation, entitled “COMPUTER CRIMES IN PERU AND THE SUBSCRIPTION OF THE BUDAPEST CONVENTION“, is carried out based on observing a reality in which computer crimes are becoming more prevalent and knowing the position that our State assumes to face to these crimes; One of them is the signing of the Budapest Convention or Cybercrime Convention and what is analyzed is the way in which the signing of the aforementioned agreement influences the treatment of computer crimes, which leads us to ask ourselves the following questions: How does the signing of the Budapest Convention influence the treatment of cybercrime? As a general question, and as specific questions, what is the legislative development of computer crimes in Peru? What is the current problem generated by computer crimes in Peru? What is the cybercrime law like in South American countries that signed the Budapest Convention? What are the effects of the signing of the Budapest agreement? each with its respective objectives. In the theoretical framework, special emphasis is placed on the development of our study categories, the first category being “Computer Crime“ and the second category “The Budapest Convention“. For this, the methodological design has been considered: The qualitative research approach, since it is oriented to the revision and obtaining of theoretical and legislative data rather than to obtaining statistical data; as type of research: Descriptive Legal and Comparative; and the research level: Basic research, being oriented to the revision of theoretical knowledge that will be expanded. As well as techniques and instruments that have allowed obtaining doctrinal, legislative and case information. All this has led to the following conclusions: FIRST: The signing of the Budapest Convention has a relative influence on the treatment of computer crimes, by focusing on the adaptation of our regulations to that provided for in the aforementioned Convention, such as establishing a catalog of crimes, establishing procedural rules aimed at safeguard digital evidence and resort to international cooperation to investigate the commission of this type of crime; and the main characteristic that is international cooperation to investigate transcendent cases has had minimal application since its subscription. SECOND: The legislative development of computer crimes in Peru has been progressive and rapid in a period of 30 years that begins in 1991 with the typification of these crimes in article 207 of the Penal Code, but, especially since 2013 with the promulgation of Law 30096 and the modifications made in Law 30171, until the signing of the aforementioned Convention, currently allowing for legislation comparable to comparative legislation on computer crimes. THIRD: The current problem caused by the commission of computer crimes in Peru is growing; It is due to the access and use of diverse and innovative technological means by cyber criminals, a situation that makes their identification and location difficult. In Latin America, in 2017, Peru was the most affected by ransomware programs, with 25.1% of the total cases presented; for 2019, our country was the third country in Latin America most affected by Spyware programs; in the same year, 3012 complaints were filed for computer fraud and 247 complaints about identity theft in the Divindat); In addition to this, the scarce budget allocated to have high-end technology for the prosecution of this type of crime. FOURTH: The legislation on cybercrime of South American countries that signed the Budapest Convention is uniform and allows integration generated from the international cooperation promoted by said Convention. FIFTH: The effects of signing the Budapest Convention are positive at the legislative level, because it allows having a comprehensive catalog of computer crimes, however, policies aimed at allocating economic resources are required to equip information technology that allows against cybercrime.
The present investigation, entitled “COMPUTER CRIMES IN PERU AND THE SUBSCRIPTION OF THE BUDAPEST CONVENTION“, is carried out based on observing a reality in which computer crimes are becoming more prevalent and knowing the position that our State assumes to face to these crimes; One of them is the signing of the Budapest Convention or Cybercrime Convention and what is analyzed is the way in which the signing of the aforementioned agreement influences the treatment of computer crimes, which leads us to ask ourselves the following questions: How does the signing of the Budapest Convention influence the treatment of cybercrime? As a general question, and as specific questions, what is the legislative development of computer crimes in Peru? What is the current problem generated by computer crimes in Peru? What is the cybercrime law like in South American countries that signed the Budapest Convention? What are the effects of the signing of the Budapest agreement? each with its respective objectives. In the theoretical framework, special emphasis is placed on the development of our study categories, the first category being “Computer Crime“ and the second category “The Budapest Convention“. For this, the methodological design has been considered: The qualitative research approach, since it is oriented to the revision and obtaining of theoretical and legislative data rather than to obtaining statistical data; as type of research: Descriptive Legal and Comparative; and the research level: Basic research, being oriented to the revision of theoretical knowledge that will be expanded. As well as techniques and instruments that have allowed obtaining doctrinal, legislative and case information. All this has led to the following conclusions: FIRST: The signing of the Budapest Convention has a relative influence on the treatment of computer crimes, by focusing on the adaptation of our regulations to that provided for in the aforementioned Convention, such as establishing a catalog of crimes, establishing procedural rules aimed at safeguard digital evidence and resort to international cooperation to investigate the commission of this type of crime; and the main characteristic that is international cooperation to investigate transcendent cases has had minimal application since its subscription. SECOND: The legislative development of computer crimes in Peru has been progressive and rapid in a period of 30 years that begins in 1991 with the typification of these crimes in article 207 of the Penal Code, but, especially since 2013 with the promulgation of Law 30096 and the modifications made in Law 30171, until the signing of the aforementioned Convention, currently allowing for legislation comparable to comparative legislation on computer crimes. THIRD: The current problem caused by the commission of computer crimes in Peru is growing; It is due to the access and use of diverse and innovative technological means by cyber criminals, a situation that makes their identification and location difficult. In Latin America, in 2017, Peru was the most affected by ransomware programs, with 25.1% of the total cases presented; for 2019, our country was the third country in Latin America most affected by Spyware programs; in the same year, 3012 complaints were filed for computer fraud and 247 complaints about identity theft in the Divindat); In addition to this, the scarce budget allocated to have high-end technology for the prosecution of this type of crime. FOURTH: The legislation on cybercrime of South American countries that signed the Budapest Convention is uniform and allows integration generated from the international cooperation promoted by said Convention. FIFTH: The effects of signing the Budapest Convention are positive at the legislative level, because it allows having a comprehensive catalog of computer crimes, however, policies aimed at allocating economic resources are required to equip information technology that allows against cybercrime.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title: Abogada
Juror: Ríos Mayorga, Julio Trinidad; Chuquimia Hurtado, José; Barreto Jara, Sixto Madison; Oroz Figueroa, Elvis
Register date: 17-Sep-2021
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