Bibliographic citations
Quispe, J., Flores, R. (2023). Análisis de la implementación de semáforos inteligentes para mejorar el nivel de servicio en La Av. Garcilaso de la ciudad del Cusco, 2023 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Quispe, J., Flores, R. Análisis de la implementación de semáforos inteligentes para mejorar el nivel de servicio en La Av. Garcilaso de la ciudad del Cusco, 2023 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Análisis de la implementación de semáforos inteligentes para mejorar el nivel de servicio en La Av. Garcilaso de la ciudad del Cusco, 2023",
author = "Flores Chauca, Rorsmil Dulio",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
This thesis considers the implementation of intelligent traffic lights in the signalized intersections of Garcilaso Avenue, which make a total of three intersections for this Study. then identified the places of data collection were carried out in a period of 3 weeks to identify the peak hours of the intersections, then we took measurements of travel time, queue lengths and geometric characteristics of the intersections in order to perform the traffic modeling. To perform the traffic modeling, the PTV Vissim 2023 software was used, in which the characteristics of the intersections, taken in the field such as vehicle composition data, route definition and traffic light controllers, were entered. Data on queue lengths, travel times and waiting times were obtained and compared for model calibration. The vehicle travel time parameter was compared for the calibration and validation process, which were subjected to a T-student goodness-of-fit test, in order to carry out the simulations and to obtain the closest data to the field, the degree of peak hour efficiency (GEH) was evaluated to obtain the closest results to the field. Once the process was completed, we continued with the evaluation of the current levels of service and a subsequent evaluation with a 5-year vehicle flow projection, after which we implemented the intelligent traffic lights with the vehicle flow projection, which gave us the levels of service D, D and C, which indicates that effectively implementing intelligent traffic lights improves the levels of service of the intersections. Finally, with the implementation of intelligent traffic lights, it is observed that there is an efficient improvement within the levels of service of the intersections under stud. Also, the travel times of vehicles were reduced; as well as the queue lengths formed at the intersections, an improvement was obtained in the parameters that measure the levels of service by implementing intelligent traffic lights.
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