Bibliographic citations
Amau, C., (2023). Análisis comparativo en eficiencia de tuberías acerrojadas y macizos de anclaje, para soportar esfuerzos de empuje en transitorio hidráulico en el proyecto sistema Vilcanota II, Cusco –2023 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Amau, C., Análisis comparativo en eficiencia de tuberías acerrojadas y macizos de anclaje, para soportar esfuerzos de empuje en transitorio hidráulico en el proyecto sistema Vilcanota II, Cusco –2023 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Análisis comparativo en eficiencia de tuberías acerrojadas y macizos de anclaje, para soportar esfuerzos de empuje en transitorio hidráulico en el proyecto sistema Vilcanota II, Cusco –2023",
author = "Amau Cusicuna, Christian Dalmiro",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
This research endeavors to conduct a comprehensive analysis comparing the efficiency of jointed pipes and anchoring blocks in resisting thrust forces during hydraulic transients in the Sistema Vilcanota II project, located in Cusco – 2023. This large-scale project involves the installation of ductile iron pipes with a nominal diameter of 900 mm, spanning approximately 37 km, traversing three pumping stations, and incorporating a high-capacity reservoir. The system operates both by pumping (using pumps) and by gravity interconnection. The imperative to safeguard the system against thrust forces during hydraulic transients propels an investigation into the effectiveness of anchoring blocks and jointed pipes, given the complexity of the environment and the scale of the infrastructure. The study not only concentrates on comparing these protective methods but also emphasizes their specific application within the project's context, underscoring the importance of tailoring solutions to the unique characteristics of the construction. The analytical process encompasses sizing, wherein the specific features of the project are paramount, necessitating a meticulous collection and systematization of data provided by the design team. Subsequently, spreadsheets are developed for the sizing of these protective systems. The research delves into the comparison between anchoring blocks and jointed pipes, evaluating crucial parameters such as installation time, manufacturing and installation costs, and spatial efficiency. This comprehensive approach aims to provide robust criteria to facilitate an informed choice between these two protective alternatives, thereby contributing to wellinformed decision-making in similar projects.
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