Bibliographic citations
Surco, R., Bello, J. (2023). Situación de la ejecución del gasto y las metas presupuestales de la Municipalidad distrital de Livitaca, periodo 2021-2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Surco, R., Bello, J. Situación de la ejecución del gasto y las metas presupuestales de la Municipalidad distrital de Livitaca, periodo 2021-2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Situación de la ejecución del gasto y las metas presupuestales de la Municipalidad distrital de Livitaca, periodo 2021-2022",
author = "Bello Javier, Jaime Olderico",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
The present research work entitled "Situation of the execution of expenditure and budget goals of the District Municipality of Livitaca, period 2021-2022", had as its general objective To determine the situation of the execution of expenditure and budget goals of the District Municipality. of Livitaca, period 2021-2022. The methodology used was scientific, where the approach was quantitative, the type was basic, the scope was descriptive, the design was non-experimental, the population and study sample were 14 data from the expenditure execution variable and 6 data from the variable goals. budgets that in total make up 20 data, the instrument used was the registration form with documentary analysis and the interview. Where it was concluded that the general average on the execution of the expenditure of the District Municipality of Livitaca, in the periods 2021-2022, has a precise progress of 75.19%, while 24.81% was not completed due to various bureaucratic factors. within the public entity. On the other hand, for the execution of the budget goals of the District Municipality of Livitaca, in the periods 2021-2022 there is a precise progress of 69.40%, while 30.60% was not completed due to various bureaucratic factors. within the public entity.
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