Bibliographic citations
Flórez, V., (2018). Infencciones respiratorias asociadas al estado de salud bucodental de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital de contingencia Qhaliruna - Antonio Lorena Cusco 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Flórez, V., Infencciones respiratorias asociadas al estado de salud bucodental de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital de contingencia Qhaliruna - Antonio Lorena Cusco 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Infencciones respiratorias asociadas al estado de salud bucodental de pacientes atendidos en el Hospital de contingencia Qhaliruna - Antonio Lorena Cusco 2017.",
author = "Flórez Dueñas, Vlanin Mijhail",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The general aim of this research was to determine the association of respiratory infections with oral health status through the CPOD indexes and the Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (IHOS) of people attended at the Qhaliruna Contingency Hospital- Antonio Lorena Cusco, whose main objective is to determine the association of respiratory infections with oral health status. The sample of this project consisted of 169 patients who went to the area of medicine of the hospital in question. The results found that there was a greater influx of female people and that the place of greatest origin was Cusco. The highest age range of these patients was between the ages of 25-33 years, with chronic infections being those with the highest prevalence. The association of respiratory infections and CPOD were direct and that of respiratory infections and HIOS had an inverse relationship. It was determined that the greater the presence of respiratory infection, the state of oral health deteriorates.
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