Bibliographic citations
Farfán, Y., (2020). El ejercicio de la vigilancia ciudadana a través de la aplicación del principio de publicidad procesal en los casos que involucran a altos funcionarios y líderes políticos en Perú durante los años 2018 y 2019 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Farfán, Y., El ejercicio de la vigilancia ciudadana a través de la aplicación del principio de publicidad procesal en los casos que involucran a altos funcionarios y líderes políticos en Perú durante los años 2018 y 2019 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "El ejercicio de la vigilancia ciudadana a través de la aplicación del principio de publicidad procesal en los casos que involucran a altos funcionarios y líderes políticos en Perú durante los años 2018 y 2019",
author = "Farfán Vargas, Yenay",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
Corruption in our country and Latin America have a long history, hidden and unpunished in many cases; However, after the Odebrecht case was made public, various political figures in our country were involved and their legitimacy questioned. However, the investigations and subsequent judicial processes originated by these events were soon forgotten by the population, despite the permanent rejection of corruption as a common practice in decision-making spaces. During the years 2018 and 2019, a change was evidenced thanks to the application of the principle of procedural publicity in cases declared as emblematic, these had great coverage of the media that were forced, due to the demands of the public, to cover no longer only the news events, but to explain the structure, operation and other necessary information, achieving voluntarily or not, a better understanding of the national situation in the country as a result of what was discovered in these processes. The evidence and the preventive detention hearings, in the cases of “white collars of the port“ and “cocktails“, respectively, allowed the population to arouse an outrage that was materialized in acts of protest and ended in an institutional and political reform. In this way, the application of the principle of procedural publicity fulfilled the institutional and social objectives attributed to it from the doctrine and jurisprudence.
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