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Huayllani, V., (2021). Asociatividad empresarial de los productores de hortalizas Illary en la comunidad de Pumamarca - 2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Huayllani, V., Asociatividad empresarial de los productores de hortalizas Illary en la comunidad de Pumamarca - 2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Asociatividad empresarial de los productores de hortalizas Illary en la comunidad de Pumamarca - 2021",
author = "Huayllani Cruz, Vania",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Title: Asociatividad empresarial de los productores de hortalizas Illary en la comunidad de Pumamarca - 2021
Authors(s): Huayllani Cruz, Vania
Advisor(s): Canahuire Montúfar, Abraham Edgard
Keywords: Cultura empresarial; Trabajo en equipo; Visión compartida
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 27-Dec-2021
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó a los productores de hortalizas Illary en la
Comunidad de Pumamarca, distrito de San Sebastián, siendo su objetivo el describir la
Asociatividad empresarial de los productores de hortalizas Illary en la Comunidad de Pumamarca
– 2021; la investigación que se realizó fue de tipo básico y pertenece al enfoque cuantitativo, cuyo
alcance es descriptivo, con diseño no experimental, la población de estudio estuvo conformado
por los 35 productores de hortalizas, la técnica que se utilizó para la recolección de datos fue a
través de la encuesta. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que la asociatividad empresarial
de los productores es poco desarrollada obteniendo un promedio de 2.32 esto debido a que la
mayoría de los integrantes de la asociatividad Illary no cooperan entre ellos. En conclusión, los
productores de hortalizas tienen poco desarrollado la asociatividad empresarial, porque en cuanto
a competencia presenta un 2.53 de promedio la cual es poco desarrollado, en referencia a cultura
empresarial de cooperación el promedio es de 2.17 la cual representa que es poco desarrollada, en
Confianza y compromiso el promedio es de 2.31 es decir poco desarrollado, en cuanto a trabajo
en equipo el promedio es de 2.29 la cual es poco desarrollado, en cuanto a visión compartida el
promedio es 2.04 la cual representa que es poco desarrollado, en localización y proximidad el
promedio es de 2.59 la cual fue considerada como poco desarrollada.
This research work was carried out with Illary vegetable producers in the Community of Pumamarca, San Sebastián district, its objective being to describe the business association of Illary vegetable producers in the Pumamarca Community - 2021; The research that was carried out was of a basic type and belongs to the quantitative approach, whose scope is descriptive, with a nonexperimental design, the study population was made up of 35 vegetable producers, the technique used for data collection was to through the survey. The results of the research show that the business associativity of the producers is poorly developed, obtaining an average of 2.32 this due to the fact that most of the members of the Illary associativity do not cooperate with each other. In conclusion, vegetable producers have little developed business associativity, because in terms of competition it presents an average 2.53 which is poorly developed, in reference to cooperation business culture the average is 2.17 which represents that it is underdeveloped, In Trust and Commitment, the average is 2.31, that is, underdeveloped, in terms of teamwork, the average is 2.29, which is underdeveloped, in terms of shared vision, the average is 2.04, which represents that it is underdeveloped, in localization. and proximity, the average is 2.59, which was considered as underdeveloped.
This research work was carried out with Illary vegetable producers in the Community of Pumamarca, San Sebastián district, its objective being to describe the business association of Illary vegetable producers in the Pumamarca Community - 2021; The research that was carried out was of a basic type and belongs to the quantitative approach, whose scope is descriptive, with a nonexperimental design, the study population was made up of 35 vegetable producers, the technique used for data collection was to through the survey. The results of the research show that the business associativity of the producers is poorly developed, obtaining an average of 2.32 this due to the fact that most of the members of the Illary associativity do not cooperate with each other. In conclusion, vegetable producers have little developed business associativity, because in terms of competition it presents an average 2.53 which is poorly developed, in reference to cooperation business culture the average is 2.17 which represents that it is underdeveloped, In Trust and Commitment, the average is 2.31, that is, underdeveloped, in terms of teamwork, the average is 2.29, which is underdeveloped, in terms of shared vision, the average is 2.04, which represents that it is underdeveloped, in localization. and proximity, the average is 2.59, which was considered as underdeveloped.
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Discipline: Administración
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración
Juror: Obando Álvarez, Iris Haydee; Alves Choque, Edison Alan; Linares Muñoz, Erika Carmen; Heredia Usandivares, Sandra Erica
Register date: 29-Nov-2022
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