Bibliographic citations
Mojonero, C., Quino, T. (2016). Modificación de las disposiciones normativas de los artículos 399 y 400 del Código Civil para superar la invalidez material establecida por la Corte Suprema de las normas contenidas en dichas disposiciones. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mojonero, C., Quino, T. Modificación de las disposiciones normativas de los artículos 399 y 400 del Código Civil para superar la invalidez material establecida por la Corte Suprema de las normas contenidas en dichas disposiciones. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2016.
title = "Modificación de las disposiciones normativas de los artículos 399 y 400 del Código Civil para superar la invalidez material establecida por la Corte Suprema de las normas contenidas en dichas disposiciones.",
author = "Quino Chunga, Tania Katerine",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2016"
Through this investigation it was determined how to overcome the material disabilit y provisions contained in Articles 399 and 400 of the Civil Code which establish who can challenge paternity and the period in which they can perform the same, respectively. Invalidity warned by the Chamber of Constitutional and Social Supreme Court when approving higher resolutions in consultation merit for its inapplicability because of the control of constitutionality. In fact, numerous cases were identified where the Board in question presents the existence of alleged invalidity based on approving the resolutions in question, this means that there are judges of the first within the system of administration of justice and second instance who warn that such rules contravene constitutional precepts, which are endorsed by the Supreme Court. However, there are cases in which the delivery of that room was inadequate, and that the conduct of the judges of the instance is questionable merit; in both cases when a complaint contesting paternity those who participated in the recognition occurs. In this context, it was considered appropriate to propose amendments to the rules contained in Articles 399 and 400 of the Civil Code through the respective bill. This way they are resolved uniformly cases contesting paternity, ensuring this legal certainty. Also the observance of the principles of speed and processal economy.
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