Bibliographic citations
Corrales, D., Saravia, A. (2020). La cadena de valor y la determinación de la productividad en la Empresa Latesa S.A.C. del distrito de San Jerónimo-Cusco periodo 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Corrales, D., Saravia, A. La cadena de valor y la determinación de la productividad en la Empresa Latesa S.A.C. del distrito de San Jerónimo-Cusco periodo 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "La cadena de valor y la determinación de la productividad en la Empresa Latesa S.A.C. del distrito de San Jerónimo-Cusco periodo 2018",
author = "Saravia Florez, Arely Briggytte",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
The present research work entitled, “THE VALUE CHAIN AND THE DETERMINATION OF PRODUCTIVITY IN THE COMPANY LATESA S.A.C. OF THE DISTRICT OF SAN JERONIMO - CUSCO PERIOD 2018” whose main objective is to determine how the value chain generates productivity in the company LATESA S.A.C. located San Jerónimo-Cusco period 2018. The methodology used in this thesis refers to a basic research, quantitative approach, non- experimental design and descriptive scope, applying the techniques of data collection cards and analysis of documents related to the production of bricks, on a population made up of 10 workers, and the accounting and financial documentation related to costs, including production orders, purchase records, sales documentation and other documentation related to costs. The results obtained in this research work reflect that the company does not have a model or policies within the company for the production of brick, this contributes and motivates the implementation of a strategic tool such as the Value Chain and thus get the most out of brick production, for which the following hypothesis was formulated: the value chain identifies each of the activities that increases value within the brick manufacturing process, which increases the productivity of the company LATESA SAC. Finally, in this thesis it was concluded that the company LATESA S.A.C. The determination of the value chain favors productivity by assigning an added value to each activity carried out during the brick production process, with a relationship between the variables value chain and productivity.
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