Bibliographic citations
Sullca, A., Chávez, K. (2022). Incremento del factor de seguridad en talud de suelo en litificación con solicitaciones sísmicas, recinto r-41, mediante epóxico. sitio arqueológico de Raqaraqayniyoq, San Jerónimo-Cusco, 2022 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sullca, A., Chávez, K. Incremento del factor de seguridad en talud de suelo en litificación con solicitaciones sísmicas, recinto r-41, mediante epóxico. sitio arqueológico de Raqaraqayniyoq, San Jerónimo-Cusco, 2022 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2022.
title = "Incremento del factor de seguridad en talud de suelo en litificación con solicitaciones sísmicas, recinto r-41, mediante epóxico. sitio arqueológico de Raqaraqayniyoq, San Jerónimo-Cusco, 2022",
author = "Chávez Alegría, Kevin Alex",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2022"
The Raqaraqayniyoq Archaeological Site is considered the nation's cultural heritage. The archaeological site is in a regular and poor state of conservation. One of the reasons for the deterioration of the archaeological zone is the excessive growth of bushy vegetation, especially in the core of the walls, which, when the roots expand and penetrate them, displace the walls, initiating the destructive cycle that later ends in the collapse of the walls. structures. In this investigation, it is proposed to increase the safety factor of the slope of the R- 41 enclosure of the Raqaraqayniyoq Archaeological Site, through the use of low-viscosity epoxy for injection, in addition, the results of the RMR, sclerometer and simple compression tests are presented. The processing of the data obtained is also presented, using the ROC DATA program to obtain the cohesion and the friction angle, the Slide V 6.0 program was also used to obtain the safety factor of the study slope, having the results that with the Increasing the epoxy, the safety factor reached more than 1.5, reaching the conclusion that our slope is stable and safe, so the desired safety factor was achieved.
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