Bibliographic citations
Vega, J., Rivas, J. (2017). Análisis de la capacidad vial y nivel de servicio según la metodología de Highway capacity manual (HCM 2010) en las intersecciones semaforizadas en la Av. De la Cultura-Tramo: Jr. Cahuide - Calle Urb. Santa Ursula, en la ciudad del Cusco. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Vega, J., Rivas, J. Análisis de la capacidad vial y nivel de servicio según la metodología de Highway capacity manual (HCM 2010) en las intersecciones semaforizadas en la Av. De la Cultura-Tramo: Jr. Cahuide - Calle Urb. Santa Ursula, en la ciudad del Cusco. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Análisis de la capacidad vial y nivel de servicio según la metodología de Highway capacity manual (HCM 2010) en las intersecciones semaforizadas en la Av. De la Cultura-Tramo: Jr. Cahuide - Calle Urb. Santa Ursula, en la ciudad del Cusco.",
author = "Rivas Huamán, Jorge Arturo",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
In the city of Cusco, in De la Cultura Avenue is located an area formed by shopping centers, supermarkets, educational institutions, which are the main generators of travel and those are the main cause of congestion at intersections. The following research was oriented to the study of the Road Capacity and Level of Service of the signalized intersections of an important section of the Culture Ave. conformed by 7 intersections that are sample of the study. For this research, has been applied the methodology of the HIGHWAY CAPACITY MANUAL (HCM 2010), due to the lack of a national standard. Each of the guidelines and processes of this manual has been considered, and has therefore been able to differ from a study carried out with existing road regulations in Peru or to extend previous research. The methodology has been applied to each of the intersections under study, reflecting the low Service Levels that are perceived daily, especially at night hours, where there is prolonged congestion. It has also reflected the little capacity or overcapacities of some secondary vials within the intersections that affect the proper behavior of the intersection itself. The results of the analysis of 7 intersections signalized in this avenue are not optimal, being that the levels of service are not very favorable for an adequate vehicular circulation in the hours of greater volume, having an average of “D“.
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