Bibliographic citations
Durand, D., (2024). Violencia obstétrica durante el parto en mujeres atendidas en el Hospital Guillermo Díaz de la Vega, Abancay, 2023 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Durand, D., Violencia obstétrica durante el parto en mujeres atendidas en el Hospital Guillermo Díaz de la Vega, Abancay, 2023 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2024.
title = "Violencia obstétrica durante el parto en mujeres atendidas en el Hospital Guillermo Díaz de la Vega, Abancay, 2023",
author = "Durand Olivera, Diana Yulissa",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2024"
Objective: Determine the existence of obstetric violence during childbirth at the Guillermo Díaz de la Vega Hospital, in Abancay; as well as its manifestations and the health personnel involved. Methods: It is a descriptive, non-experimental, cross- sectional study that uses the "Cuestionario de violencia obstétrica durante el parto"; validated by health professionals related to the area. It was applied to 65 women whose birth was attended at said hospital during November and December 2023. Expected results: 64.6% claim to have been a victim of obstetric violence during childbirth. “Noncompliance with professional standards of care” was the main manifestation with 69.2%; finding, above all, vaginal examinations that are painful, frequent and/or performed by different people on the same day; performing Kristeller maneuver; and pain during episiotomy/episiorrhaphy that was ignored. "Bad conditions or limitations in the health system" obtained 41.5%; and "verbal violence" occurred in 36.9%, especially with the use of harsh and/or rude language. No physical violence was found. The health personnel mainly involved were the obstetrician, with 46.2%, followed by the doctor with 10.8%. Conclusions: There is obstetric violence during childbirth in 64.6% of the women treated at the Guillermo Díaz de la Vega Hospital, the main manifestation of this being Non-compliance with professional standards of care. Likewise, obstetric personnel are the main architects of violence followed the doctor. Keywords: Obstetric violence, gender-based violence, childbirth, manifestations of obstetric violence.
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