Bibliographic citations
Sanchez, R., (2020). El impacto de la inaplicabilidad del principio de razonabilidad y proporcionalidad en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador de la SUNAFIL, frente al derecho a la libre empresa [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Sanchez, R., El impacto de la inaplicabilidad del principio de razonabilidad y proporcionalidad en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador de la SUNAFIL, frente al derecho a la libre empresa []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2020.
title = "El impacto de la inaplicabilidad del principio de razonabilidad y proporcionalidad en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador de la SUNAFIL, frente al derecho a la libre empresa",
author = "Sanchez Acurio, Ruth Martha",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2020"
The National Superintendence of Control Working (SUNAFIL by its name in Spanish) has been playing an important role in defence and control for rights of workers. SUNAFIL has the commitment to defend all the socio working rules, of security and health in companies, but also prejudices companies that inspects, infringing and assailing against their right of free market. This investigation has the aim of determining and understanding the effect on free market as an implication of ignoring the principle of reasonability and proportionability in its administrative sanctioned process; additionally, we will determine the legal nature of the mentioned principle and discover the effects that produce its no application from the administrative sanctioned process of SUNAFIL against the right of free market.
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