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Enriquez, M., (2018). La corrupción y el nivel de confiabilidad de los peruanos en el sistema judicial [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Enriquez, M., La corrupción y el nivel de confiabilidad de los peruanos en el sistema judicial []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "La corrupción y el nivel de confiabilidad de los peruanos en el sistema judicial",
author = "Enriquez Llave, Milagros Del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
Title: La corrupción y el nivel de confiabilidad de los peruanos en el sistema judicial
Authors(s): Enriquez Llave, Milagros Del Carmen
Advisor(s): Sarmiento Núñez, Luis Alfonso
Keywords: Corrupción; Sistema de justicia; Operadores de justicia; Encuestas
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2018
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: En las últimas década el Estado Peruano ha estado plagado de corrupción, sobre todo
enquistada en el sistema de justicia, ha sido tallada, como una “lacra” para la sociedad, un
tópico controversial que ha ido pasando por agua tibia durante años; la mayoría de peruanos
no confía en el actual sistema de justicia, lo cual no es novedad y lejos de superarlo pareciera
que actualmente ha encontrado su mayor auge.
Prueba de ello, es que Eguiguren sostenía que: “La impresión asimilada por la
mayoría de ciudadanos del Poder judicial difiere de su función principal de impartir
justicia, es así que la percepción dominante es que los trabajadores de este sistema se
encuentran ligados al poder político y los beneficios económicos que puedan obtener antes
de hacer justicia” (Eguiguren Praeli, ¿Que hacer con el Sistema Juidicial?, 1999, pág. 10),
impresión que se ha mantenido tal cual en la actualidad.
Todo ello, se ha intensificado en mayor medida después de la difusión de unos audios
por los diferentes medios de comunicación, pertenecientes al grupo criminal denominado:
“Cuellos Blancos del Puerto”, el fiscal encargado de investigar encontró a jueces de
diferentes instancias y fiscales supremos que integran el Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura
(institución que designa a los jueces), empresarios entre otros, que exponía la corrupción
existente en todas las instancias que integran el sistema de justicia Peruano, debilitando,
sobre todo al Poder Judicial, cuestionándose la imparcialidad, independencia y honestidad
de los magistrados que lo constituyen, provocando como resultado que el índice de confianza
de los peruanos en esta institución administradora de Justicia, disminuya.
La gravedad del asunto, radica en que todo ello, no es un tema que haya sido
descubierto recientemente, la alta discrecionalidad en las decisiones de jueces y fiscales claves, reduce la probabilidad de investigar las denuncias, esclarecer la responsabilidad y
promover la impunidad.
Lo expuesto, ha motivado la presente investigación, la cual comprende
indudablemente al sistema judicial de la ciudad de Cusco, en la cual residimos, siendo
considerada la ciudad del Cusco como la muestra de estudio, realizándose aleatoriamente
encuestas a los miembros de dicha sociedad, con diversas preguntas, formuladas para de esta
manera, poder identificar las causas por las cuales los ciudadanos del Cusco, durante el año
2018, consideran que existe corrupción y en ese mismo contexto, determinar la confiabilidad
de los ciudadanos en el Sistema Judicial.
En ese contexto, es importante “acudir a una perspectiva multidisciplinaria, es decir
factores sociológicos, políticos, económicos, jurídicos, institucionales y culturales que nos
permitan describir la causa u origen de la corrupción (Alarco, 2017, pág. 2)”.
En el Desarrollo Temático, hemos abordado distintos conceptos, instituciones y
factores que consideramos, causan la proliferación de la corrupción en el sistema de judicial;
para un mejor entendimiento del propósito de las encuestas, de los resultados y del análisis
de los hallazgos, lo cual nos ha permitido obtener conclusiones sobre un estudio objetivo y
plantear algunas sugerencias.
In the last decade the Peruvian State has been plagued by corruption, especially entrenched in the justice system, it has been carved, as a "scourge" for society, a controversial topic that has been going through lukewarm water for years; The majority of Peruvians do not trust the current justice system, which is not new and far from overcoming it, it seems that it has currently reached its peak. Proof of this is that Eguiguren argued that: "The impression assimilated by the majority of citizens of the Judiciary differs from its main function of imparting justice, so the dominant perception is that the workers of this system are linked to political power. and the economic benefits they can obtain before doing justice” (Eguiguren Praeli, ¿Que hacer con el Sistema Juidicial?, 1999, pág. 10), an impression that has remained as it is today. All this has intensified to a greater extent after the dissemination of some audios by the different media, belonging to the criminal group called: "Cuellos Blancos del Puerto", the prosecutor in charge of investigating found judges from different instances and supreme prosecutors that make up the National Council of the Judiciary (institution that appoints judges), businessmen, among others, who exposed the corruption that exists in all the instances that make up the Peruvian justice system, weakening, especially the Judiciary, questioning impartiality, independence and honesty of the magistrates that constitute it, causing as a result that the index of trust of Peruvians in this administrative institution of Justice, decreases. The foregoing has motivated the present investigation, which undoubtedly includes the judicial system of the city of Cusco, in which we reside, being considered the city of Cusco as the study sample, randomly conducting surveys to the members of said society, with various questions, formulated in this way, to be able to identify the causes by which the citizens of Cusco, during the year 2018, consider that there is corruption and in that same context, determine the trustworthiness of the citizens in the Judicial System. In this context, it is important to resort to a multidisciplinary perspective, that is, sociological, political, economic, legal, institutional and cultural factors that allow us to describe the cause or origin of corruption (Alarco, 2017, pág. 2). In the Thematic Development, we have addressed different concepts, institutions and factors that we consider cause the proliferation of corruption in the judicial system; for a better understanding of the purpose of the surveys, the results and the analysis of the findings, which has allowed us to draw conclusions about an objective study and make some suggestions.
In the last decade the Peruvian State has been plagued by corruption, especially entrenched in the justice system, it has been carved, as a "scourge" for society, a controversial topic that has been going through lukewarm water for years; The majority of Peruvians do not trust the current justice system, which is not new and far from overcoming it, it seems that it has currently reached its peak. Proof of this is that Eguiguren argued that: "The impression assimilated by the majority of citizens of the Judiciary differs from its main function of imparting justice, so the dominant perception is that the workers of this system are linked to political power. and the economic benefits they can obtain before doing justice” (Eguiguren Praeli, ¿Que hacer con el Sistema Juidicial?, 1999, pág. 10), an impression that has remained as it is today. All this has intensified to a greater extent after the dissemination of some audios by the different media, belonging to the criminal group called: "Cuellos Blancos del Puerto", the prosecutor in charge of investigating found judges from different instances and supreme prosecutors that make up the National Council of the Judiciary (institution that appoints judges), businessmen, among others, who exposed the corruption that exists in all the instances that make up the Peruvian justice system, weakening, especially the Judiciary, questioning impartiality, independence and honesty of the magistrates that constitute it, causing as a result that the index of trust of Peruvians in this administrative institution of Justice, decreases. The foregoing has motivated the present investigation, which undoubtedly includes the judicial system of the city of Cusco, in which we reside, being considered the city of Cusco as the study sample, randomly conducting surveys to the members of said society, with various questions, formulated in this way, to be able to identify the causes by which the citizens of Cusco, during the year 2018, consider that there is corruption and in that same context, determine the trustworthiness of the citizens in the Judicial System. In this context, it is important to resort to a multidisciplinary perspective, that is, sociological, political, economic, legal, institutional and cultural factors that allow us to describe the cause or origin of corruption (Alarco, 2017, pág. 2). In the Thematic Development, we have addressed different concepts, institutions and factors that we consider cause the proliferation of corruption in the judicial system; for a better understanding of the purpose of the surveys, the results and the analysis of the findings, which has allowed us to draw conclusions about an objective study and make some suggestions.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title: Abogada
Juror: Marroquin Nuñiz, Marco Antonio; Álvarez López, Génaro Julio; Siles Luque, Rolando; Castilla León, Arneb
Register date: 27-Jun-2023
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