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Moreano, I., (2019). Manejo de la coledocolitiasis en pacientes de los hospitales del Cusco, 2013 – 2018. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Moreano, I., Manejo de la coledocolitiasis en pacientes de los hospitales del Cusco, 2013 – 2018. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2019.
title = "Manejo de la coledocolitiasis en pacientes de los hospitales del Cusco, 2013 – 2018.",
author = "Moreano Uribe, Isaac Ander",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2019"
Title: Manejo de la coledocolitiasis en pacientes de los hospitales del Cusco, 2013 – 2018.
Authors(s): Moreano Uribe, Isaac Ander
Advisor(s): Gamarra Saldivar, Holguer
Keywords: Coledocolitiasis; Diagnóstico; Técnicas quirúrgicas; Coledocotomía; Derivación coledocoduodenal
Issue Date: 2-Apr-2019
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: Introducción: La coledocolitiasis es la presencia de cálculos en la vía biliar principal con
una incidencia entre 6 a 12% en individuos con cálculos en la vesícula biliar, el tratamiento
para los pacientes con coledocolitiasis puede ser mediante manejo laparoscópico (vía
transcística o transcolédoco, con un de éxito mayor del 90%, morbilidad del 8-15% y
mortalidad de 1%.
Objetivo: Describir el manejo de la coledocolitiasis en pacientes de los Hospitales del
Cusco, 2013- 2018.
Material y Método: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal, realizado en los
hospitales del Cusco, durante el periodo del 01 de enero del 2013 al 31 de diciembre del
2018, en 162 pacientes admitidos en el servicio de Cirugía General con el diagnóstico de
coledocolitiasis, que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se realizó una revisión de
historias clínicas a través de una ficha de recolección de datos, para el análisis de datos
se utilizó el SPSS versión 23 con estadística descriptiva e inferencial básica.
Resultados: El grupo de edad más afectado es el de 30 a 59 años con un 38,3%,
predominando el sexo femenino con un 72,2%. La manifestación clínica más frecuentes
fue el dolor abdominal con 98,1%, la ictericia con un 82,1%, náuseas y vomitas con 85,3%
y 88,9% respectivamente, el perfil hepático en la mayoría de los pacientes se encontraron
alterados, el estudio de imagen más frecuente que se utilizo fue a ecografía
transabdominal con un 96,9%. El procedimiento terapéutico más frecuente fue la cirugía
abierta con un 64,8% en los 3 hospitales del cusco, la técnica quirúrgica más frecuente fue
la EVB más coledocotomía en tubo en “t” con un 44,4%. La complicación después de la
cirugía fue la infección del sitio operatorio relacionado con EVB más coledocotomía en
tubo en “t” con un 1,9%. La estancia hospitalaria postquirúrgica fue menor a 10 días con
la EVB más coledocotomía en tubo en “t” con un 32,1%
Conclusiones: El manejo de la coledocolitiasis más utilizada en los hospitales del Cusco
fue la EVB más coledocotomía en tubo en “t” y la que presento menor tiempo de estancia
hospitalaria y mayor complicación.
Introduction: The choledocholithiasis is the presence of stones in the main bile duct with an incidence between 6 to 12% in individuals with stones in the gallbladder, the treatment for patients with choledocholithiasis can be through laparoscopic management (transcystic or transcolédoco path, with a success greater than 90%, morbidity of 8-15% and mortality of 1%. Objective: To describe the management of choledocholithiasis in patients of the Hospitals of Cusco, 2013-2018. Material and Methods: Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, carried out in the hospitals of Cusco, during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2018, in 162 patients admitted to the General Surgery service with the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis, who met the criteria of inclusion. A review of medical records was carried out through a data collection card, for the analysis of data the SPSS version 23 was used with basic descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The most affected age group is that of 30 to 59 years old with 38.3%, predominantly female with 72.2%. The most frequent clinical manifestation was abdominal pain with 98.1%, jaundice with 82.1%, nausea and vomiting with 85.3% and 88.9% respectively, the liver profile in most of the patients was found altered, the most frequent imaging study that was used was a transabdominal ultrasound with 96.9%. The most frequent therapeutic procedure was open surgery with 64.8% in the 3 hospitals of Cusco, the most frequent surgical technique was the exploration of the bile duct plus choledochotomy in “t“ tube with 44.4%. The complication after surgery was infection of the operative site related to EVB plus choledochotomy in a “t“ tube with 1.9%. Post-surgical hospital stay was less than 10 days with EVB plus choledochotomy in “t“ tube with 32.1% Conclusions: The most common choledocholithiasis used in hospitals in Cusco was EVB plus choledochotomy in a “t“ tube and the one that presented the shortest hospital stay and the greatest complication.
Introduction: The choledocholithiasis is the presence of stones in the main bile duct with an incidence between 6 to 12% in individuals with stones in the gallbladder, the treatment for patients with choledocholithiasis can be through laparoscopic management (transcystic or transcolédoco path, with a success greater than 90%, morbidity of 8-15% and mortality of 1%. Objective: To describe the management of choledocholithiasis in patients of the Hospitals of Cusco, 2013-2018. Material and Methods: Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, carried out in the hospitals of Cusco, during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2018, in 162 patients admitted to the General Surgery service with the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis, who met the criteria of inclusion. A review of medical records was carried out through a data collection card, for the analysis of data the SPSS version 23 was used with basic descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The most affected age group is that of 30 to 59 years old with 38.3%, predominantly female with 72.2%. The most frequent clinical manifestation was abdominal pain with 98.1%, jaundice with 82.1%, nausea and vomiting with 85.3% and 88.9% respectively, the liver profile in most of the patients was found altered, the most frequent imaging study that was used was a transabdominal ultrasound with 96.9%. The most frequent therapeutic procedure was open surgery with 64.8% in the 3 hospitals of Cusco, the most frequent surgical technique was the exploration of the bile duct plus choledochotomy in “t“ tube with 44.4%. The complication after surgery was infection of the operative site related to EVB plus choledochotomy in a “t“ tube with 1.9%. Post-surgical hospital stay was less than 10 days with EVB plus choledochotomy in “t“ tube with 32.1% Conclusions: The most common choledocholithiasis used in hospitals in Cusco was EVB plus choledochotomy in a “t“ tube and the one that presented the shortest hospital stay and the greatest complication.
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Discipline: Medicina Humana
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Médico Cirujano
Register date: 5-Apr-2019
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