Bibliographic citations
Aller, L., (2017). Aspectos relacionados con la toma de decisiones en la elección de métodos anticonceptivos con equidad de género en el centro de salud de San Salvador 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Aller, L., Aspectos relacionados con la toma de decisiones en la elección de métodos anticonceptivos con equidad de género en el centro de salud de San Salvador 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Aspectos relacionados con la toma de decisiones en la elección de métodos anticonceptivos con equidad de género en el centro de salud de San Salvador 2017.",
author = "Aller Huamán, Lisbet",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
Aspects of decision making in the choice of contraceptive methods with gender equity in the Health Center San Salvador 2017. Descriptive, prospective, correlational, not experimental, cross-sectional study aimed at determining aspects of decision making in the choice of contraceptive methods with gender equity in 124 users interviewed. Results: The general characteristics are age 35 more, cohabitants, of rural origin, with 3 children more, women have health insurance, religion is Catholic, just as 68% of men, the methods quarterly contraceptive injection is used. Aspects related to health services involved with decision-making in the choice of contraceptive methods with gender equality are evident with 90% do not use mobility, with a time of 15 to 30 minutes to get to the service station, reach quotas always prefers care in the morning, 82% of health professionals fluent in the language of users, 75% reported that they explained about contraception, understood about each of them and said that if they explained about the advantages and disadvantages, there is no privacy concerns, 74% use the desired contraceptive method and most users are satisfied with the use of contraception. As respectan sociocultural aspects of decision making in the choice of contraceptive methods with gender equity, tabled have no family influence or friends, 52% have no beliefs and / or myths, the decision to use contraceptive methods is 76% by users, 58% report that the couple know about the contraceptive method used and come alone to care. Conclusions: Aspects related to decision-making in the choice of contraceptive methods with gender equity in the San Salvador Health Center are aspects of health services and socio-cultural aspects, except family influence and friendships.
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