Bibliographic citations
Yepez, L., (2021). Nivel de ansiedad preoperatoria en pacientes hospitalizados programados a intervenciones quirúrgicas en la Clínica Guadalupe Wanchaq Cusco, 2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Yepez, L., Nivel de ansiedad preoperatoria en pacientes hospitalizados programados a intervenciones quirúrgicas en la Clínica Guadalupe Wanchaq Cusco, 2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Nivel de ansiedad preoperatoria en pacientes hospitalizados programados a intervenciones quirúrgicas en la Clínica Guadalupe Wanchaq Cusco, 2021",
author = "Yepez Martinez, Lucy Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Its objective was to determine the level of preoperative anxiety in hospitalized patients scheduled for surgical interventions at the Guadalupe Wánchaq Cusco Clinic. As a method, the quantitative design methodology of a descriptive and cross- sectional type was used. The sample population is 80 hospitalized patients scheduled for surgical interventions, using interviews and surveys techniques as instruments applied to patients. Most significant results: In terms of general characteristics; 55% of the patients scheduled for surgical interventions at the Guadalupe Clinic belong to the female sex; in terms of age, 61.3% are 30 to 59 years old and only 15% are 18 to 29 years old; on the degree of education, 56.3% have a higher education degree, 27.5% have completed secondary school and only 3.8% without education (illiterate); in terms of marital status, 53.8% report being married and 30% report being single;on the type of surgery they underwent, 46.3% underwent conventional (open) surgical interventions while 31.3% underwent laparoscopic surgical interventions; 55% report having a history of previous surgery. As for the Level of Anxiety according to the positive symptoms, anxiety was of medium level with 61.3% and only 6.3% was of high level; according to the negative symptoms, the level of anxiety was medium with 66.3% and 7.5% was of high level; finally, the level of preoperative anxiety in hospitalized patients scheduled for surgical interventions was of medium level with 67.5%.
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