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Ttupa, R., (2021). Análisis de la promoción turística en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de la Convención, Cusco – 2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Ttupa, R., Análisis de la promoción turística en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de la Convención, Cusco – 2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2021.
title = "Análisis de la promoción turística en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de la Convención, Cusco – 2021",
author = "Ttupa Carbajal, Ruth Almendra",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2021"
Title: Análisis de la promoción turística en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de la Convención, Cusco – 2021
Authors(s): Ttupa Carbajal, Ruth Almendra
Advisor(s): Zuniga Cusihuaman, Cesar Roberto
Keywords: Promoción turística; publicidad
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 30-Sep-2021
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: La presente investigación intitulada “Análisis de la promoción turística en el distrito de
Santa Ana, provincia de la Convención, Cusco - 2021.”, que tuvo como objetivo general,
describir cómo es la promoción turística en el distrito de Santa Ana, provincia de la Convención,
Cusco - 2021. La metodología empleada es de tipo descriptivo, ya que busco analizar la
particularidad de personas, grupos, comunidades u otro fenómeno, se manejó un enfoque
cuantitativo, ya que tuvo como propósito medir el nivel de promoción en cuanto a la publicidad,
materiales de apoyo y relaciones públicas. La muestra estuvo compuesta 88 turistas locales. El
resultado que se obtuvo sobre la Variable Promoción turística promoción turística se concluyó
que el 67% lo catalogo como inadecuado. Se percibió que los habitantes de dicha zona no
manejan adecuadamente la promoción turística esto evidenciado con los resultados, ya que el
turismo local no percibe una promoción eficaz. Es así, que también se observó que dicha
promoción es esencial para el desarrollo turístico, pero no se viene realizando de forma adecuada
ya que no se percibe la unificación de lazos con empresas públicas y privadas que ayudan al
desarrollarlo por medio de estrategias de mejora. . La investigación concluye que la variable
promoción turística es regular, esto debido a que el 67% de turistas locales encuestados lo
catalogaron como inadecuado, debido a la ausencia de publicidad en el distrito, todo evidenciado
por los rangos defectuosos que se lograron observar.
The present investigation entitled “Analysis of tourism promotion in the district of Santa Ana, province of La Convencion, Cusco - 2021.“, which had the general objective of describing what tourism promotion is like in the district of Santa Ana, province of La Convention, Cusco - 2021. The methodology used is descriptive, since it seeks to analyze the particularity of people, groups, communities or other phenomenon, a quantitative approach was used, since its purpose was to measure the level of promotion in terms of advertising, support materials and public relations. The sample consisted of 88 local tourists. The result obtained on the Variable Tourism promotion tourism promotion, it was concluded that 67% classify it as inappropriate. It was perceived that the inhabitants of this area do not adequately handle tourism promotion, this evidenced by the results, since local tourism does not perceive an effective promotion. Thus, it was also observed that such promotion is essential for tourism development, but it has not been carried out adequately since the unification of ties with public and private companies that help to develop it through improvement strategies is not perceived. . The research concludes that the tourism promotion variable is regular, this due to the fact that 67% of local tourists surveyed classified it as inappropriate, due to the absence of advertising in the district, all evidenced by the faulty ranges that were observed.
The present investigation entitled “Analysis of tourism promotion in the district of Santa Ana, province of La Convencion, Cusco - 2021.“, which had the general objective of describing what tourism promotion is like in the district of Santa Ana, province of La Convention, Cusco - 2021. The methodology used is descriptive, since it seeks to analyze the particularity of people, groups, communities or other phenomenon, a quantitative approach was used, since its purpose was to measure the level of promotion in terms of advertising, support materials and public relations. The sample consisted of 88 local tourists. The result obtained on the Variable Tourism promotion tourism promotion, it was concluded that 67% classify it as inappropriate. It was perceived that the inhabitants of this area do not adequately handle tourism promotion, this evidenced by the results, since local tourism does not perceive an effective promotion. Thus, it was also observed that such promotion is essential for tourism development, but it has not been carried out adequately since the unification of ties with public and private companies that help to develop it through improvement strategies is not perceived. . The research concludes that the tourism promotion variable is regular, this due to the fact that 67% of local tourists surveyed classified it as inappropriate, due to the absence of advertising in the district, all evidenced by the faulty ranges that were observed.
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Discipline: Turismo
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Ciencias y Humanidades
Grade or title: Licenciada en Turismo
Juror: Najar Obando, Anahí; Calderón Mendoza, Roxana Eliet; Flores Contreras, Aydee; Lopez Zereceda, Cristian Javier
Register date: 12-Dec-2021
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