Bibliographic citations
Vargas, L., (2018). Caracterización clínica y ecográfica en infección del tracto urinario en pacientes pedriatricos, Hospital Nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco-Essalus Cusco, 2014-2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Vargas, L., Caracterización clínica y ecográfica en infección del tracto urinario en pacientes pedriatricos, Hospital Nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco-Essalus Cusco, 2014-2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Caracterización clínica y ecográfica en infección del tracto urinario en pacientes pedriatricos, Hospital Nacional Adolfo Guevara Velasco-Essalus Cusco, 2014-2017.",
author = "Vargas Ccahuantico, Lisset Mayra",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
Introduction: Taking into account that urinary tract infection (UTI) in hospitalized pediatric patients is a frequent public health problem, it is important to know in our region specific aspects of clinical, age, sex, etiology in urinary tract infection, since according to studies previous these aspects can be variable depending on the region it will allow to identify in a timely manner the symptoms of urinary tract infection; It is also important to know the usefulness of renal and urinary tract ultrasound, which in our setting is used in a protocolized manner against the first episode of UTI. Objective: To determine the clinical and ultrasound characteristics of urinary tract infection in pediatric patients, HNAGV-Essalud Cusco, 2014-2017 Methods: Methods: The present study is retrospective descriptive of cross section, correlational. The sample is census and consists of hospitalized pediatric patients diagnosed with UTI and will be selected according to the inclusion criteria. The variables will be analyzed based on frequencies, percentages, measures of central tendency and dispersion. The technique of data collection was performed with the validated instrument. Results: It was observed that they were female (72%), male (28%), the median age was 10 months, with a standard deviation of 26.5, confidence level of 95%, average 20.95 months, fashion 1 month, having the case of younger age of 1 month and the oldest of 84 months. The most frequent etiological agent E. coli (90%), klebsiella sp (6%). The clinical manifestations were hematuria (100%), dysuria (100%), the most specific ones, and fever (83%), irritability (43%), the most sensitive. Regarding the first-episode ultrasound report of UTI: it was normal (74.6%), pathological finding (12.7%), no report was found (12.7%), the most frequent genitourinary malformation, hydronephrosis and renal pyelectasis. Regarding the moment in which “renal and urinary tract“ ultrasound was requested, it was before the positive urine culture result (61.4%). Conclusion: -The infection of the urinary tract infection in pediatric patients of the Adolfo Guevara Velasco National Hospital is more frequent in females, younger than 12 months, whose most frequent etiological agent is E. Coli being the most specific clinical manifestations hematuria, dysuria and the most sensitive fever. -Kidney and urinary tract ultrasound is an important auxiliary diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of genitourinary malformation; but it must be requested with prudence.
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