Bibliographic citations
Torres, C., Ochoa, P. (2015). Evaluación comparativa del comportamiento de concretos elaborados con los cementos tipo IP y HE respecto a su resistencia a la compresión, tiempo de fraguado y fisuración por contracción plástica. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Torres, C., Ochoa, P. Evaluación comparativa del comportamiento de concretos elaborados con los cementos tipo IP y HE respecto a su resistencia a la compresión, tiempo de fraguado y fisuración por contracción plástica. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2015.
title = "Evaluación comparativa del comportamiento de concretos elaborados con los cementos tipo IP y HE respecto a su resistencia a la compresión, tiempo de fraguado y fisuración por contracción plástica.",
author = "Ochoa Aedo, Paolo César",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2015"
The comparative evaluation of concrete mixes designed with IP & HE type cements and objectively determined variations in the compressive strength, setting time and plastic shrinkage cracking under the conditions of the Cusco region, All concrete Witnesses were performed with the same design of mixtures made according to the method of ACI, with coarse aggregate quarry Vicho and fine aggregate quarry Huambutío previously sifted through mesh # 4 “, resulting in a volume ratio 1: 1.86: 2.95 for a f’c = 210kg /cm2 design. The setting times were determined by the method Vicat apparatus, resulting initial and final time of 145min set. and 225min. respectively, for mixtures designed with HE type cement, and 165min. and 260min. for mixes designed with the type IP cement. Evolution of Compressive Strength in cylindrical concrete Witnesses evaluated their performance to obtain axial load a Through the effort/time curve, which is determined as witnesses specifically designed to cement type HE obtained Development UN Resistance at the time and a higher than average resistance Witnesses IP specifically designed to cement type. Concrete mixtures regarding the development of its plastic shrinkage cracking according to ASTM C1579-13, which it was obtained as a result of which m of the development of these cracks is more aggressive in mixtures designed with cement type because HE evaluated one do mayor internal temperature (heat of hydration), producing cracks of 0.9 mm average. in normal environmental conditions and 1.4 mm to. in critical condition, facing one average cracks of 0.7 mm. and 1.1mm. in mixtures designed with cement type IP, respectively. With research results present, it obtained a technical, objective, reliable and very important for the development of future research, mainly on the study and evaluation of plastic shrinkage cracking, testing What is not widely known or broadcast source the region.
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