Bibliographic citations
Paredes, V., (2017). Nivel de acondicionamiento del transporte turístico para turistas con limitaciones físicas motrices en el circuito city tour del Cusco – 2017. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Paredes, V., Nivel de acondicionamiento del transporte turístico para turistas con limitaciones físicas motrices en el circuito city tour del Cusco – 2017. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2017.
title = "Nivel de acondicionamiento del transporte turístico para turistas con limitaciones físicas motrices en el circuito city tour del Cusco – 2017.",
author = "Paredes Torres, Vivian Nadenka",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2017"
Actually the ONU and the OMT are working together in develop the Accessible Tourism which is characterizer for be highly profitable and not seasonal. The present research work focus the study on tourist transportation like a fundamental part of the accessible chain that allows the movement of tourist in a comfortable dignity way and venturing in this segment’s market for increase our tourist demand. The object of investigation is to identify conditioning’s level of the tourist transport for tourists with physical motor limitations and identify the characteristics of the tourist transport, as well as the perception of drivers who offer this service to this segment’s market in the City Tour circuit. The Accessible Tourist Transport is a fundamental part that encompasses the Accessible Tourism, so I decide to focus the investigation on the current situation of our transport companies that provide service to tourists with reduced physical capacity, since it is known the existence of fully accessible, however it is necessary and not accessible islands to be able to provide quality service and enjoyment is integral. The methodology used for this investigation is descriptive, also we took like citizen the tourist transportation who offer this service to tourist with restricted physical ability in the City Tour circuit.The proposals have been made for solutions such as the creation of a training and awareness course in Accessible Tourism for drivers and entrepreneurs of tourist transport and a business investment project in Accessible Tourist Transport as a profitable market segment, aimed at entrepreneurs and people who wants to invest in tourist transport to improve the level of conditioning of the Tourist Transport for tourists with restricted physical capacity.Conclusions of study are based on the identification of our limitations in the tourist transport for tourists with restricted physical capacities in the Circuit City Tour of Cusco.
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