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Corpus, N., Reyes, L. (2024). El Control Previo en la Gestión de Tesorería en la Municipalidad Provincial de Cañete, 2024 [Universidad Nacional de Cañete].
Corpus, N., Reyes, L. El Control Previo en la Gestión de Tesorería en la Municipalidad Provincial de Cañete, 2024 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Cañete; 2024.
title = "El Control Previo en la Gestión de Tesorería en la Municipalidad Provincial de Cañete, 2024",
author = "Reyes Velarde , Leslie Del Rosario",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Cañete",
year = "2024"
Title: El Control Previo en la Gestión de Tesorería en la Municipalidad Provincial de Cañete, 2024
Advisor(s): Magallanes Yataco , Elisban Martin
Keywords: control previo; gestión de tesorería; verificación de expedientes; políticas administrativas; ejecución de giro
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 12-Nov-2024
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Cañete
Abstract: En este presente estudio de investigación denominado “El control previo en la gesti de tesorería en la Municipalidad Provincial de Cañete, 2024” tiene como objetivo demostra cómo el control previo se relaciona en la gestión de tesorería en la Municipalidad Provincial de Cañete. Cuenta con una metodología de investigación cuantitativa, de forma descriptiva correlacional, tipo de investigación básica y diseño no experimental. Por ende, en el estudio a las variables se establece escoger como población a 70 trabajadores de la entidad que labor en la Oficina General de Administración y Finanzas y la Oficina General de gestión de Recursos Humanos, lo cual se toma como muestra a 70 trabajadores de las áreas anteriormente mencionadas. Por consiguiente, en la recolección de información, tiene como técnica utilizar la encuesta y como instrumento el uso del cuestionario para el control previo y la gestión de tesorería con 09 preguntas por cada variable de nivel ordinal y con escala de Likert, donde ambas variables han sido validadas por los expertos en base a su juicio y confiablidad. Se utiliza la prueba no paramétrica donde el valor P es menor que 0.05, la cual se acepta la hipótesis general y se observa una correlación directamente proporcional entre la variable de Control previo y la Gestión de tesorería. Como resultado el coeficiente es de 0.671 la cual se evidencia una correlación de Rho de Spearman de manera positiva modera es decir, si se incrementa efectivamente el control previo entonces la gestión de tesorería tiene un mismo desempeño.
In this research study called “The previous control in the treasury management in the Provincial Municipality of Cañete, 2024” aims to demonstrate how the previous control is related to the treasury management in the Provincial Municipality of Cañete. It has a quantitative research methodology, descriptive correlational, basic research type and non-experimental design. Therefore, in the study of the variables, it is established to choose as population 70 workers of the entity that works in the General Office of Administration and Finance and the General Office of Human Resources Management, which is taken as a sample 70 workers of the aforementioned areas. Therefore, in the collection of information, it has as a technique to use the survey and as an instrument the use of the questionnaire for the previous control and treasury management with 09 questions for each variable of ordinal level and with Likert scale, where both variables have been validated by experts based on their judgment and reliability. The non-parametric test is used where the P-value is less than 0.05, which accepts the general hypothesis and shows a directly proportional correlation between the prior control variable and cash management. As a result the coefficient is 0.671 which shows a moderate positive Spearman's Rho correlation, i.e., if prior control is effectively increased then cash management has the same performance.
In this research study called “The previous control in the treasury management in the Provincial Municipality of Cañete, 2024” aims to demonstrate how the previous control is related to the treasury management in the Provincial Municipality of Cañete. It has a quantitative research methodology, descriptive correlational, basic research type and non-experimental design. Therefore, in the study of the variables, it is established to choose as population 70 workers of the entity that works in the General Office of Administration and Finance and the General Office of Human Resources Management, which is taken as a sample 70 workers of the aforementioned areas. Therefore, in the collection of information, it has as a technique to use the survey and as an instrument the use of the questionnaire for the previous control and treasury management with 09 questions for each variable of ordinal level and with Likert scale, where both variables have been validated by experts based on their judgment and reliability. The non-parametric test is used where the P-value is less than 0.05, which accepts the general hypothesis and shows a directly proportional correlation between the prior control variable and cash management. As a result the coefficient is 0.671 which shows a moderate positive Spearman's Rho correlation, i.e., if prior control is effectively increased then cash management has the same performance.
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Discipline: Contabilidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Cañete Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales
Grade or title: Licenciado en Contabilidad
Juror: Uribe Hernández Yrene Cecilia; Alegría Cueto Oscar Fernando; Cordova Solis Herbert Christian
Register date: 12-Nov-2024
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