Bibliographic citations
Ocalio, I., Pumacayo, J. (2019). Aplicación del taller de coro “Cantemos por la vida” para mejorar las habilidades sociales alternativas a la agresión en los estudiantes del 5 to grado de primaria de la I.E.P. N.º 32004 San Pedro – Huánuco – 2015 [Universidad Nacional “Daniel Alomia Robles”].
Ocalio, I., Pumacayo, J. Aplicación del taller de coro “Cantemos por la vida” para mejorar las habilidades sociales alternativas a la agresión en los estudiantes del 5 to grado de primaria de la I.E.P. N.º 32004 San Pedro – Huánuco – 2015 []. PE: Universidad Nacional “Daniel Alomia Robles”; 2019.
title = "Aplicación del taller de coro “Cantemos por la vida” para mejorar las habilidades sociales alternativas a la agresión en los estudiantes del 5 to grado de primaria de la I.E.P. N.º 32004 San Pedro – Huánuco – 2015",
author = "Pumacayo Bazán, Jaime Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional “Daniel Alomia Robles”",
year = "2019"
The general objective of the present Research work, it is to determine the influence of the choir workshop “Sing for life” in order to develop social skills as alternatives to the aggression in the students from the fifth grade of primary school from the I.E.P N° 32004 San Pedro – Huánuco – 2015. The population was constituted per one hundred thirty five students, where an intentional show of twenty seven students from the fifth grade of the I.E.P San Pedro, were considered. This is an applied Research, experimental level, and it is design, it is quasiexperimental.For the obtaining of the dates, of the variable social skills alternatives to the aggressión, we used the test HHSS alternatives to the aggression, with the previous approval in an experts trial and the determined confiability of the intelectual rate of Cronbach, which gave us a a value of 0,705. The results of the application in the choir workshop “sing for live” has a positive influence in the HHSS alternatives to the aggression; due to, it register a difference in the arithmetical meassurement of 12.49 points in favor of the post test of the experimental group, which supports the alternate hypothesis, having obtained tc=26,084 y p=0,000 in front of tt=2,01 to a α=0,005. Finally: the obtained results, confirm the alternate hypothesis, concluding that, the choir workshop, develop the HHSS alternatives to the aggression of the students from this institution.
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