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Beas, H., (2015). Control microbiológico del desarrollo larvario de moscas (Musca domestica) en excrementos bovinas [Tesis, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina].
Beas, H., Control microbiológico del desarrollo larvario de moscas (Musca domestica) en excrementos bovinas [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina; 2015.
title = "Control microbiológico del desarrollo larvario de moscas (Musca domestica) en excrementos bovinas",
author = "Beas Alvizuri, Héctor Giancarlo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina",
year = "2015"
Title: Control microbiológico del desarrollo larvario de moscas (Musca domestica) en excrementos bovinas
Authors(s): Beas Alvizuri, Héctor Giancarlo
Keywords: Musca domestica; Larvas; Excretas; Organismos patógenos; Plaguicidas microbianos; Control de plagas; Métodos; Perú; Mosca domestica; Excretas bovinas; Mosca del establo; Ganado bovino
Issue Date: 2015
Institution: Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
Abstract: La fase experimental del presente trabajo se realizó en el establo de la Unidad Experimental de la facultad de Zootecnia, de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. El objetivo fue el de proponer un manejo de excretas que reduzca significativamente la población de moscas que ovipositan en ellas. Basado en los resultados de evaluar la cantidad de larvas presentes en las excretas y de las condiciones físico-químicas (temperatura, pH y conductividad eléctrica de las excretas) que se generan, al aplicar un cultivo de microorganismos benéficos, como también en el nivel de uso apropiado de dicho cultivo. Se establecieron tres tratamientos y un control (0, 1, 5 y 10 por ciento de MOB’s), los cuales fueron aplicados cada 48 horas directamente sobre las camas, además de inocular los alimentos con una solución al cinco por ciento y el agua de bebida con una solución al 0.5 por ciento del cultivo de microorganismos benéficos, diariamente. El experimento constó de tres etapas, la primera donde los animales fueron creando las condiciones, la segunda sin animales y la tercera, en la que las partes no exploradas de las camas fueron apiladas. Los resultados indican que se produjo un efecto sobre la presencia de larvas en las excretas, siendo los valores encontrados de 10.52, 4.56, 1.76 y 1.14 gramos de larvas por kilogramo de excreta y de 11, 6, 1 y 2 unidades de masas de huevos encontradas, para los niveles de 0, 1, 5, y 10 por ciento de cultivo de microorganismos benéficos, respectivamente. Los resultados de los parámetros fisico-químicos no presentaron mayores diferencias entre sí y el control, indicando que no constituyeron factores limitantes para el desarrollo de moscas en este ensayo. El tratamiento con 10 por ciento de MOB’s alcanzó el mayor valor en el control de la carga de Coliformes totales y fecales, como también en la presencia de Lactobacillus sp., en las camas durante la tercera etapa del experimento.
The experimental phase of this work took place at the stable of the Experimental Unit of the Faculty of Animal Science of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. The objective was establishing an excreta’s management to significantly reduce the flies’ population that lay eggs on it. This objective will be accomplished based on the quantity of larvae existed on the excreta, the physic-chemical condition (temperature, pH and electrical conductivity of excreta) generated after the application of the culture of beneficial microorganisms and establishing the appropriate concentration of this culture, that controls the larvae growth. In that sense, there have been established three treatments and one control (0, 1, 5 and 10 percent of culture of beneficial microorganisms), which were applied at intervals of 48 hours and a inoculum of five percent on foods and point five percent in the drink water, applied everyday. The experiment was divided in three phases, the first in which the animals were creating the conditions, the second, without animals and third, in which the unexplored parts of the beds during the counting of larvae were stacked. The results indicate that there was an effect on the presence of larvae in excreta, the values found were 10.52, 4.56, 1.76 and 1.14 grams of larvae per kilogram of excreta and 11, 6, 1 and 2 units of egg masses found the day of observation, where were used levels 0, 1, 5, and 10 percent of culture of beneficial microorganisms, respectively. While the results of physical and chemical parameters showed no major differences between the treatment and control, during the period evaluated, indicating that not constitute limiting factors for the development of flies in this study. Treatment with 10 percent MOB's reached the highest value in the control of total and faecal Coliform, and also in the presence of Lactobacillus sp., in the beds during the third stage of the experiment.
The experimental phase of this work took place at the stable of the Experimental Unit of the Faculty of Animal Science of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. The objective was establishing an excreta’s management to significantly reduce the flies’ population that lay eggs on it. This objective will be accomplished based on the quantity of larvae existed on the excreta, the physic-chemical condition (temperature, pH and electrical conductivity of excreta) generated after the application of the culture of beneficial microorganisms and establishing the appropriate concentration of this culture, that controls the larvae growth. In that sense, there have been established three treatments and one control (0, 1, 5 and 10 percent of culture of beneficial microorganisms), which were applied at intervals of 48 hours and a inoculum of five percent on foods and point five percent in the drink water, applied everyday. The experiment was divided in three phases, the first in which the animals were creating the conditions, the second, without animals and third, in which the unexplored parts of the beds during the counting of larvae were stacked. The results indicate that there was an effect on the presence of larvae in excreta, the values found were 10.52, 4.56, 1.76 and 1.14 grams of larvae per kilogram of excreta and 11, 6, 1 and 2 units of egg masses found the day of observation, where were used levels 0, 1, 5, and 10 percent of culture of beneficial microorganisms, respectively. While the results of physical and chemical parameters showed no major differences between the treatment and control, during the period evaluated, indicating that not constitute limiting factors for the development of flies in this study. Treatment with 10 percent MOB's reached the highest value in the control of total and faecal Coliform, and also in the presence of Lactobacillus sp., in the beds during the third stage of the experiment.
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Note: Ciclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría Ambiental
Discipline: Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría Ambiental
Grade or title grantor: Ciclo Optativo de Especialización y Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría Ambiental
Grade or title: Ingeniero Zootecnista
Register date: 10-Jan-2017
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